Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 2 March 2009




Dear HR Manager/ Recruiter
1. Do I need any special software set - up of my PC to be able to use Resume Sorter ? If so, where/ how can I get such software ?

2. Is Resume Sorter FREE or do I have to make any payment for downloading or for subsequently using the same?

3. Do I have to become a subscriber of India Recruiter.net to be able to use Resume Sorter? Does it cost anything to become a subscriber of India Recruiter.net?

4. Do I need to remain ONLINE to be able to use Resume sorter?

5. For Using Resume Sorter, do I have to accept any TERMS & CONDITIONS?

6. Can I use Resume Sorter to create my own local / independent resume database without synchronizing with your ONLINE resume database?

7. What about thousands of resumes lying on my hard - disk (received by me prior to downloading / installing of Resume sorter) ? Can I use Resume sorter to "Read / Rate" these as well? If yes, after rating these, will I   be able to "file/ store" these in the same "FUNCTION / SKILL - WISE" folders?

8. If you come out with higher versions of Resume sorter in future, will those be compatible with the current version? Will the higher version of Resume Rater work seamlessly on the database created using a lover version?

9. Will I be able to transfer / migrate resumes from Resume sorter database to Interviewer Database?

10. Will I be able to transfer / migrate resumes from Resume Rater database to Resume Sorter database and vice -  versa ?

11. Can I make a copy of Resume sorter and email it to my friend? Or can I receive a copy from her?

12. Is Resume Sorter available from downloading from other website ? If so, are there any differences/limitations?

13. What is "Database Synchronizer" ? How does it help me?

14. Once downloaded/ activated, can you stop me from using Resume Sorter ? If yes, under what circumstances?

15. I understand that both, Resume Rater and Resume Sorter, can create following FOLDERS
    .no. of NON - IT FUNCTIONS folders
    .no. of IT SKILLS folders
    Can I create my own / new lists of FUNCTIONS/ SKILLS and create corresponding NEW folders ?

16. Can I temporarily suspend Resume sorter from reading my mail box? If yes, How?

17. Can resume database created by Resume Sorter, be accessed from a no. of Computers connected in a LAN? or VPN?

18. In my organization, we have several email IDs. We receive resumes on each of these. We would like to install  Resume sorter on each of these mailboxes but we want to create a company - wide COMMON/ CENTRAL resume database from the outputs of all the installed Resume Sorters. Is this possible? If yes, how can we go about?

19. You say, Resume sorter will parse each incoming TEXT resume and create a STRUCTURED RESUME DATABASE.  What will be the accuracy level? Is there a feature / facility to Compare the parsed database (extracted FIELDS) with the original TEXT resume and be able to EDIT/ CORRECT the entries?

20. Our recruiters/ consultants conduct daily resume - searches on several job - portals and download hundreds of resumes. Can these be processed using Resume sorter? If yes, how?

21. Is there any advantage to users who download and start using Resume sorter at the earliest? What is the disadvantages who join later?

22. Would I get to know which of your subscribers are using Resume Sorter? Where can I see these details? 

Hemen Parekh