Ø All Consultants
(Individual Copies)
Ø Kartavya
Ø Abhi
Customer Relations
Please go
thru enclosed article. There are useful lessons to be learnt.
One lesson
is that we did NOT design our Order Execution System (OES) keeping in mind, the
needs of our customers. Perhaps our focus (while designing OES) was too much on
compiling a hell-of-a-lot of “HISTORICAL DATA/STATISTICS/TRENDS” over a period
of next 2/3 years, so that, in course of time, OES can also become a powerful
Idea was
that, 2/3 years, down the line, we could use OES as a powerful
This is why,
in OES, we are trying to “capture” (thru data entry & thru mouse-clicks), a
lot of data about each search-assignment. Some of these captured data are not
really required for executing the current search-assignment and may appear as
so much waste of time/effort!
It is
possible that some of these DATA-CAPTURE may be “slowing down” our order-execution
But, it is
too early to jump to such conclusions, when we have used OES, for barely 2/3
months so far.
We must use
OES very thoroughly for all executive-search assignments (-excluding those from
CADILLA, as we discussed in our recent meeting) for next 6/8 months, and then
only make
à A list of “conclusions”
à A wish-list of what we need to
incorporate in Version 2.0 of OES.
By that
time, we may have entered over 100 search-assignments (-and even closed most) in
OES. So, we would also have GOOD compilation of HISTORICAL statements. That should
enlighten us on what “Trends” are emerging.
Ø How mush “business” did we get from
each customer? Who was best/who was worst?
Ø What was “Average” billing/highest
billing/lowest billing? -and from which customers?
Ø Who (Which Client) gave us “Repeat”
business & how much? Who gave us just one solitary assignment & never
came back? Why? What went wrong?
Ø Are there any clients worth
black-listing? Worth pursuing vigorously?
Ø What “assignments” (-and from which
clients) were
à Easiest to fulfil in terms of “time-taken” & “effort”
à Toughest to fulfil
How much of this “Easyness/Toughness” depended upon
à Calibre/experience/aggressiveness of
the consultant who handled these assignments
à Availability (Member/Non-Member
Database) of suitable executives
à Internal “indecisiveness” of client
à External help/assistance that we
managed (eg. Jyoti Agarwal).
In fact the “HISTORICAL” statements
of OES (as different from “OPERATIONAL”), reveal these trends. It is over job to
“interpret” & draw conclusions & develop an action-plan for future.
OES contains down some 10
pages of such “TRENDS”! please remember that by faithfully implementing OES, we
are, in effect, creating a.
If you have any problem in use of
OES, please contact me immediately. Not using OES is NOT an option!
Function Specs
This article
describes fully, my concept of the Interview Management Module Viz:
able to monitor the progress of each & every Manpower Request, on a single screen
(U I), in a visual/graphical display (No figures/alphabets/numerals/percentages).
I have, in
the past, compared this, with
à Refinery/Process Plant/Powerhouse
Control Room with its mimic diagrams (on a 10 feet X 20 feet screen!), showing
the performance of each & every eqpt/process
à Railway Control Room, tracking which
train is on which track & exactly where
BEST bus
monitoring is one more concept of “VISUAL/GRAPHICAL” control. Your task is to
develop this concept into UI & all back-end functional-processes.
CC: Kartavya
CC: Abhi
CC: Kartavya
CC: Vicky
CC: Inder
Half-Way House?
Recruitment Managers
will appreciate the Interactive Response Module. It will enhance their productivity.
They also
know that IRM will also raise the prestige of their Company in the eyes of the
candidates. A company that takes trouble to “respond” is a company that “caves”
– a company that “respects” an individual!
So, it is
quite possible that some recruitment managers may start using IRM
enthusiastically, whenever they receive an Image Builder – Especially if it is
a large company/heavy hirer, which receives 500 resumes daily.
But after, he
has clicked-away 500 resumes, the recruitment manager may suddenly wonder:
candidate did I reject? Which I
Kept on
hold? Whom I called for interview? Whom I asked to phone me? Whom did I rate
A/B/C etc.?
Where can I
go back & see what “decisions” I took in respect of a particular candidate?
Now Abhi,
may have already provided that recruitment manager goes back & opens the
Image Builder of that candidate and get to see all of his “Clicks” on the Interactive
Page attached. If already done, that was clever.
That would
still be a “half-way-house”.
What the
recruitment manager really wants to see, is a
Such as:
Srl. |
Vacancy Name |
Advt. No. |
Applicant Name |
Rating Given |
Decision |
Called for Interview |
Kept on Hold |
Ref. |
Asked to Phone me |
From such a
MASTER-SUMMARY, he should be able to extract (at a click of a button),
When he is
rating/deciding, on the screen, the resumes may not be arranged as per Advt.
No./Vacancy name. one application may be for the post of “Production Mgr.”, the
next may be for “R&D” Mgr.” & third may be for a “stores officer”!
Hence the
need for a MASTER.
In fact,
there will be dozens (or hundreds) of applications/resumes without ANY mention
of an advertised vacancy! Even then, a recruitment manager may want to
à Rate it / decide about it
à Reply to / it
So, we need
to develop a MASTER-SUMMARY software & make it talk to the
Interactive Response Module.
I suppose we
can do that.
Question is,
How do we
send this software to the recruitment managers? Which recruitment manager?
And what
excuse/pretext do we use?
You may wish
to consider following:
Ø Every time a recruitment mgr. uses
the IRM, we will get a copy.
Ø At that stage, we can send to him the
We can send him an email saying,
Dear ,
It is possible that some candidates may have started sending
you their “Image Builder” resumes, along with an Interactive Response Module
(-both developed by us).
We hope, you find both of these useful. We believe, these
will improve your personal
Productivity, many folds.
You may however want to keep track of your ratings &
interview-decisions of the applicants, individually & collectively. You may
à An Advt. wise Summary
(See attachments)
We would be happy to make available to you – without any
obligation – a software that would integrate with the Interactive Response
Module, and automatically generate such summaries, for your viewing, at any
All you need to do, is simply register for
On our website, www.RecruitGuru.com, and then download the software.
At the end of the FREE TRIAL, even if you decide, not to
subscribe to our webservice, you still get to use downloaded software, indefinitely
– and without any obligation.
With relards
Abhi Khatawane.
CC: Kartavya
CC: Abhi
CC: Nagwewekar
Global Recruiter
Interview Management Module
Functional Specifications
As per schedule prepared by you, you are supposed to handover
to kartavya, the “Functional Specifications” for this module by July 15th
No doubt you must have gone thru my previous notes on this
subject (webservice Folder #1 (box file) is with Nagwekar) & Folder #2 / #3
are in second drawer of my table.
In addition to these for your guidance, find 18 pages of my
notes, where I have commented on each output statement of OES-which is, quite
like an “Interview Mgmt. System” – except it was specifically designed for a placement
What we want to come out with is for any corporate web-subscriber
who does recruitment for his own company.
So, a lot of OES statements are irrelevant for such an user.
He wants a
simple which permits him to track any “Vacancy” at the 8 stages mentioned on p.3
of my enclosed comments.
The most
important feature of this
Is described
in my noted dt. 19-12-2002
In which, I
have drawn many graphs & then commented on each.
This feature
consists of
Ø Graphical Tracking of each assignment
thru various stages-using MIMIC DIAGARAM/WIZARD, as in case of
Despatch centre for Power
Movement on many tracks/stations
LIFTS going up/down/held-up on various floors of 100 story-building
Conveyor Belts, etc. etc.
Ø Automatic ringing of “Alarm Belts” (emails)
when a process is held up at any stage beyond “Target-date” (Specified by Initiator).
Red Light blinking on MIMIC DIAGRAM to indicate where exactly, there is a
HOLD-UP & who precisely is responsible!
“Functional Specs” will be incomplete without UI in form of MIMIC DIAGRAM &
output statements.
what “output statements” can be/should be considered for our Webservice Module
# 1 Monthly Shopping Basket Summary (for a
given period).
This is irrelevant but the Central Personnel Officer (CPO),
would want to see some statement which tells him,
à How many “Manpower Requests” received
from different locations/units, during any period (or cumulatively) for his
“approval” & how many he “approved”/how many he “rejected” (with reason for
rejection). Location wise/unit wise data to be compiled.
# 2 shopping Basket Summary (URL Wise)
This is irrelevant
# 3 shopping Basket Summary (for a given
This is irrelevant
# 4 shopping Basket Designation-Level wise (_________)
This is irrelevant
# 5 Shopping Basket (Function Wise) –
# 6 Shopping Basket (Industry Wise) –
# 7 Shopping Basket (Client Wise) – Irrelevant.
# 8 Shopping Basket (Consultant Wise) –
# 9 List
of Inquiry for a given Period – Irrelevant Covered
# 10 List of Inquiry for (Consultant Wise) – Irrelevant
by my
# 11 List of Inquiry for (Industry Wise) –
Irrelevant comments
# 12 List of Inquiry for (Function Wise) –
Irrelevant # II
# 13 List of Inquiry for (Vacancy Wise) –
# 14 List of Inquiry for (City Wise) –
# 15 List of Inquiry for (Country Wise) –
# 16 No. of Inquiries remaining to be answered
(Consultant Wise)
Something similar would be required in Globel Recruiter, whereby
the Central Personnel officer (CPO) or the “Indenting Department” manager, is
able to see visually/graphically, the “Stage-Wise” progress/status of each
& every Manpower Request.
# 17 list of Inquiries, which did not convert to
an order.
This is like “Rejection/Disapproval” of a departmental
manpower request by the Approving Authority (CPO or even Head of Dept?). we
should provide a column/field where CPO/dept-Head can record his “Reasons for
# 18 Inquiry Status (Consultants Wise)
This would be covered by VISVAL
PROGRESS CHART, where stage-wise “Status” is shown. Is it likely that, in an
organization, several Recruitment Managers are handling different manpower requests,
received from different depts/locations? This is possible-in which case, Global
Recruiter should have provision to monitor progress/status of each/every
manpower request
à Dept/Location Wise (Initiator)
à Recruitment Mgr. Wise (Who is
# 19 Proposal à Irrelevant
# 20 Sales Order à Irrelevant
# 21 Project Plan
for a Sales Order
In Global Recruiter, I feel, we should allow/permit the
Initiator (End User Dept-Where Vacany exists), to Fill in
à “Manpower Request” Details
à “Project Plan” Details
Stage |
Cumu. No. of Days Allowed |
0 |
3 |
7 |
12 |
16 |
22 |
29 |
60 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
Manpower Request Approval Advt. Relcc Response Rating Interview Appointment Join |
ü |
ü |
ü |
By filling-up
such a Project-Plan, as shown on preceding page, we are equating “Initiator”
with an “Internal Customer” (of HR Dept.)
The User
Dept. (Initiator) is in effect, telling the “Service Provider” (HR dept.):
Ø This is my requirement (Man Specs/Job
Description/Salary, etc. etc.)
Ø I give you a of [60] days to fill
this vacancy as per following Project-Plan. I have also indicated, No. of days
for completing each activity, STAGE-WISE.
Now, we may
provide, a provision, whereby the HR, dept., can super-impose its own version
of Project-Plan, in ease, it cannot meet the stipulations of client (User
Man Request Approval Advt. Release Response Rating Interview Appt Joining |
on original plan (Indifferent Colour)
Perhaps we
can consider allowing User Dept (Initiator), to indicate a “band” of days for
each “activity”, instead of stipulating a one/fixed date for an event (i.e.
Completion of activity).
So, in
essence, the User Dept. stipulates
à Earliest Starting Time (date) for an
à Latest Completion time (date) for
that activity
(Much, as in case of PERT).
And, since
in a recruitment process, all activities are “SEQUENTIAL” only, we are
suggesting a GANTT chart:
Activity |
Dates |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
# 22 Project Variance for “Sales Order” (i.e given
This statement is VERY RELEVANT for a
Global Recmiter. But, whereas, in OES, it is A tabulation of figures/numbers,
in Global Recruiter, we must convert it into a GRAPHCAL/VISUAL, presentation,
where, there should be some method to highlight “negative carinae” -i.e.- by
how many days, is the project running behind schedule (the target dates for
each stage).
I suppose visual indication of -ve
variances, must be a standard feature of any no. of “Project Planning Software”
packages, readily available in the market. Only, most of these software are
designed to take care of hundreds of activities & also “parallel”
activities, whereas, for Global Recruiter, we need to deal with, no more than
10/12 activities, all of which are “sequential”.
So, we need to “re-invent the wheel”
& design something quite simple & elegant, which, depending upon the
simplicity/complexity of concerned organization, allows, addition/deletion of “activities”
We may provide 25 activities (all
sequential?), out-of-which, an initiator can choose/select, whatever are
“relevant’ to his organization & further relevant to this particular
# 23 Pending Order for a Consultant
In Global Recruiter, we
will not distinguish/differentiate between an INQUUIRY and an ORDER. So my
remarks for # 18 apply.
# 24 Pending Order for a Consultant (Client
Although it is theoretically
possible that one Recruitment Mgr. may handle, Manpower Requests received from
many different departments, we can ignore this statement/report in Global
# 25 Pending Order for a Consultant (Vacancy-Name
Indenting Depts. (User
Vacancy Names Recruitment Managers
(handling a given Manpower Request)
Since, I believe, identical vacancies from diff. user
depts., would be a rare case, we should confine Global Recruiter reporting, to
Dept. Wise.
Mgr. Wise.
# 26 Pending
Order for A Consultant - Irrelevant
(Est, Billing Value Wise)
# 27 Pending for a - chronologically
This statement is relevant
# 28 for a -
Same As # 25
# 29 Pending Order for a Client (Vacancy Name
# 30 Pending Order for a Client (Est. Billing
# 31 Pending status for a given Period (Industry
Wise) – Irrelevant
# 32 Pending status for a given Period (Function
Wise) – Irrelevant
# 33 Pending status for a given Period (Design
Level Wise) – Irrelevant
# 34 Load on a Consultant
We can ignore for Global
# 35 Resume remaining to be sent (order wise) –
# 36 Resumes Sent-Out – Irrelevant
# 37 One line statement (for consultant)
# 38 One line statement (for client) Irrelevant
# 39 Details of Prospective Candide’s.
# 40 Advt. Details
At a later date (V 2.0),
when “Ad-Compose” permits sending advt. to print-media (eg. Times of India),
this statement would be required-but not now.
For the timeline,
“Ad-compose” screen will have check-boxes [ü] for uploading advt. on different
JOBSITES only. It should be possible to view this screen at any time in future,
in case one forgets, what JOBSITES, he had ticked [ü].
# 41 Advt. Response (Client-Wise) for a given
Global Recruiter must have provision
to display the no. of resumes received from each jobsite & for each
job-advt. (Vacancy-Name).
Client (User Dept.) & period is irrelevant.
# 42 Advt. Response (Media-Wise) (for a given
remarks as # 41
# 43 Interview
call sent out for an
This statement (or something
similar) is very much required.
# 44 Interview schedule for
Some similar statement is very much
required. In every such case, we don’t have to follow the exact format for
Global Recruiter. What I mean is that some such statement would be needed.
# 45 Interview Held Summary – client-wise
It internal user dept. (initiator)
has to be treater as an “internal client”, then he would want some feedback.
# 46 Interview Held Summary
This summary is for central personal
officer, (CPO), who may want to, see, at a glance, interview-positions of all
user depts.
# 47 Follow-up details for an order of given client
It is quite unlikely that CPO would
“User Depts. (i.e. clients)”! It is more likely to be other way round.
There may be
a couple of things where CPO may require to follow up a “User Dept.”, viz.:
Ø If resume-file (digital, of course) is
sent to User Dept. for “rating” and it is still not returned to CPO, duly
Ø If User Dept. has not given/fixed
“Interview-dates” or CPO has fixed Interview schedule which User Dept. has yet
to approve/a free.
# 48 Follow-up with Candidate (for a given
recruitment dept. wants a facility (software) which enables the recruitment manager
to be able to
à Send a voice-mail or email to shortlisted
à Track what “massages” have been sent
to which candidate & when (candidate wise history or vacancy-wise history).
à Track what replies have come from
which candidate & when.
à Which candidates have confirmed that they
will attend interviews (as requoted) & which have declined/regretted &
why (reason).
à Make a phone-call to a candidate.
à Sand an SMS to a candidate.
# 49 Client-wise expected date of joining
If user depts.
(initiators) are treated as internal clients, then they certainly want to know,
when selected candidate is likely to join, (against their vacancies).
Assuming, there are several
internal clients, both CPO & these initiators, should be able to “see” the “dates”
on which different candidates have promised to join.
# 50 Details of compensation received for an
This is irrelevant.
# 51 Compensation Details – Irrelevant
# 52 Compensation Details (as per format)
This is a very useful
form & by providing CPO (Central Personnel Officer) & the Initiator Dept.
Head, to be able to see, exactly what “Basic” salary was offered & how till
“basic” translates into what GROSS compensation.
We should make a provision, whereby CPO/Initiator
dept. can “add” or “delete” any particular “elements of compensation”, which
are unique/peculiar to their dept./company/location.
How can we “Convince/Persuade”
CPO/Initiator to fill in “Compensation-Details (i.e. Compensation offered
details) for each new appointee?
If filling-in
all these details, looks like so much, extra work for the COP/Initiator,
WITHOUT any immediate benefit to them, then, they are not likely to take the
(And, most
certainly, we don’t want to make it “mandatory” to fill-in the form. There will
be a revolt!!)
We must
provide a very powerful “incentive” to CPO/Initiator, to fill-in this form voluntarily
and every time, without fail!
I can think
of following “reasons/incentives”:-
Ø Because “Salary-Payment” (software)”
application needs this as an “input”. (Taxation etc.).
Ø Because “manpower Cost (software)” application
needs it (MIS) (Costing/Tendering etc.).
what would really “incentivise” CPO/Initiator (to fill-in this form), is to
“transform” this form into a
“Salary Negotion Device/Aid”
Gross compensation
is something that CPO must
with each potential/prospective candidate based on
# 1 à What the candidate is currently
drawing/getting in his existing company (detailed break-up)
# 2 à What “raise” (in gross) is he
expecting, if he has to make a job-change (the minimum below which he would not
consider our offer)
# 3 à What problems (of upsetting internal
parity/apple-cart) would it pose for us, if we were to offer him what he wants.
It is
relatively easy to deal with 1 & 2.
Salary Comparison |
Item/Element |
What candidate is getting |
What he Wants |
Increase |
Amt. |
% |
A |
Monthly -
Basic -
DA -
B |
Annual -
C |
Retirement Benefit -
D |
Total |
Every time
CPO/Initiator change any fig in column (B), figs. in col – (C) & (D), would
get revised automatically.
Every time CPO enters a fig (X)
(i.e. gross annual (or monthly?) salary that candidate expects or that CPO is
willing to Consider), the software works backward & fills-up the detailed
break-up-as also (C) & (D).
For software to be able to work
backward (from “gross” to “detailed break-up”), a formula would need to be provided
to the subscriber. He would enter the figs on advance,
Eg: If,
Basic = a
HRA = 0.2
LTA = 0.1
Medical = 0.05 (a) etc. etc.
can use, several different formulas for different “cadres/grades”, since
different “perks/benefits”, in different cadres/grades, would have different
“linkages” to “Basic Salary”.
In third stage (maybe in V 3.0),
CPO, would be able to see/view
FREQUENCY Distribution Graphs
On his
computer screen.
These graphs
could be, for
Ø That company’s own internal
employees’ profile (Designation Wise/Age Wise/Exp. Wise)
Ø General public/professionals profile
Now, by selecting,
say, a graph for
Gross Salary à (Rs/Month)
CPO/Initiating Dept Can now clearly see, where exactly the
candidate (being interviewed) fits in & whether the offer/expectation are
“in line” or likely to upset a lot of existing employees.
# 53 - Invoice - Irrelevant
# 54 - Invoice
- Irrelevant
# 55 - Invoice - Irrelevant
# 56 - Invoice à Irrelevant
# 57 - Invoice
à Irrelevant
# 58 - Invoice
à Irrelevant
# 59 - Out of
Pocket à Irrelevant
# 60 - Out of
Pocket à Irrelevant
# 61 - Client
List à Irrelevant
# 62 - Client
List à Irrelevant
# 63 - Client
List à Irrelevant
# 64 - Client
List à Irrelevant
# 65 - Janam
Kundli (Client) à Irrelevant
# 66 - Janam
Kundli (Candidate) à Irrelevant
# 67 - Executive
Placed Summary (Ind-wise) X
# 68 - Executive
Placed Summary (Func-wise) X
# 69 - Executive
Placed Summary (Vacancy-wise)
# 70 - Executive
Placed Summary (Client-wise)
# 71 - Executive
Placed Summary (Joining Date-wise)
# 72 - Executive
Placed Summary (Comp-wise)
# 73 - Executive
Placed Summary (Complete List)
In Global Recruiter
there would need to be only 2 statements of “Executives Joined/Appointed”,
Ø One for each Dept/Section/Initiator
Ø One consolidated.
These will
be arranged in the order in which (chronologically) Manpower Requests were
released by the user depts.
# 74 Analysis
of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
# 75 Analysis of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
# 76 Analysis of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
# 77 Analysis of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
# 78 Analysis of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
# 79 Analysis of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
# 80 Analysis of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
# 81 Outstanding of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
# 82 Outstanding of Orders Executed à Irrelevant
CC: Kartavya
Interactive Page: Usage Statistics
I refer to
our discussion yesterday/today. I am glad that you have built into the
Interactive Page Software, a mechanism, whereby an Interactive page is used by
a Recruiter to respond to a candidate, we would get feedback.
Using this
feedback, we should compile statistics as shown in enclosed page. This
compilation-process must be continuous & automated, without any human intervention.
compilation software, should also permit/enable “authorised users” to view any
particular statistics, by simply clicking on any
à Executive’s Name (Not PEN)
à Corporate’s Name (Not Corporate number).
Of course,
we would most corporate like to have a consolidated picture/view/statistics, at
any point of time, as to,
à How many candidates have used the Interactive
Page, so far cumulatively, or during a given month/given year
à How many corporates have used the
Interactive Page, so far cumulatively, or during a given month/given year
This would tell us, whether the usage is picking up or not
and at what “rate”.
It is quite possible that the jobseekers start using the
Interactive Page, in large numbers but, the recruitment managers are not keen
to use the same & rarely use it to respond!
We need to know/compile USAGES by both, independently.
So that, if we find that, for some reason, the Recruitment
Mgrs. Are lukewarm to this concept, then we can probe & find out, why.
There is a temptation (on my part), to make available to the
corporates, their own
In the form of statement (B).
The danger is
that, they would come to know that, we are compiling such statistics
About them,
secretly/without their knowledge or permission!
This would
immediately put them off!
They will
simply stop using Interactive Page!
On the other
hand, as far as candidates are concerned, they would be happy to see their own
statement (A), if made available, either as an email (we can decide period), or
as a “Personal Page” on RecruitGuru.Com (-I think this is a better option).
If I am a
jobseeker, and I am told that I can, anytime, see/view a tabulated page of all
my job-attempts (free, too!), in chronological order-and I am assured that no
one else can “access” these statistics,
I may, even,
give-up altogether, use of my plain/unstructured email resume in future, and
always use Image Builder only!
Access to my
own statement (B), at any time, and free, would be enough incentive to me to
use Image Builder only!
still remains about the corporates.
Ø If they can’t see/view these statistics because,
Ø We cannot afford to tell them that we are secretly compiling
such statistics,
What is the
If the
statistics do not “help” the concerned corporate, why compile at all? What
(else) can we use these statistics for? How & where can these help us?
How can we
use individual corporate-wise statistics, to
à Persuade/Convince that company to
subscribe to our webservice (again, without revealing that we have been
secretly compiling these figures!)
à Persuade/Convince, many other
companies (i.e. – corporates-in-general) to subscribe to our webservice)
à Persuade all jobseekers to use Image
Builder ONLY (thereby becoming Industry Standard).
Think about
Mr. V. J. Patel |
PEN 4368952 |
Srl. No. |
Advertiser Co. Name |
Advt. No. |
Source |
Dt. |
Position Applied |
Outcome |
Rated |
A |
B |
C |
R |
Called |
Regret |
Hold |
Voltas Ltd. |
CORPO. NO. 368439 |
Srl. No. |
Advt. No. |
Source |
Date |
Position Vacancy |
Image Builders Status |
Total Rated |
Rating |
Decision |
A |
B |
C |
R |
Called |
Regretted |
Hold |
RE-TRACT (or “RESUME”? -sounds
(Resume Extraction Software)
If we intend
to offer a “Best-of-the-Breed” solution, we need to extract a lot of “data”
from each resume, convert into “information” & then turn it into
“knowledge”, for the benefit of our web-service subscribers.
Enclosed pl.
find a few examples. If 3 of you apply your minds, I am sure, you can come-up
with many more ideas.
We don’t
have to introduce all these “features functionalities/visual-graphs” etc. in
one go. There will be many VERSIONS – some may be “priced” as separate,
standalone, transactions whereas, some others may be introduced as “upgrades”
(free) of original feature.
CC: Raju-Mitchelle-Sri Ram-Nirmit
Pl. do send further suggestions to
Kartavya, in enclosed format.
Data à Information à Knowledge
What “Data” should be
extracted? |
Why? Purpose? How will it
help recruiter? What “inference” can he draw from data? |
Ø Name of University |
He has attended a respectable Uni/College |
Ø No. of Degrees & Diplomas |
Highly qualified Person/Holds a foreign” degree |
Ø “Age” at which passed-out |
Must be brilliant to get an MS at the age of 22! |
Ø Name/s of Employer Companies |
Seem’s to have worked for reputed/unknown companies. Why did he leave a well-known Co. to join a
small/unknown company? Started-out with “Good” companies but seems to have
gone “astray” after 10 yrs. Of experience! |
Ø Name of Cities (where posted) |
Why did he choose such “god-forsaken” remote/small
town? Why did he move from Mumbai to Shirdi? |
Ø Name/s of BOSSES |
He has worked under Mr. XYZ, who is an outstanding
professional. Must have had good training/exposure. |
What “Data” should be extracted? |
Why? Purpose? How will it
help Recruiter? What “inference” can he draw from data? |
Ø Duration/Tenure in different jobs ·
Max. Tenure ·
Min. Tenure ·
Ave tenure ·
Total Yrs. of
Exp. ·
No. of Jobs
held during career. |
He looks like a “job-jumper”! we may have to look
for a replacement in 1 yr.! 8 jobs in 12 years! What is this guy up to? Can’t
he get along with anybody! Let me probe further. 2 jobs in 25 years! Does not look “ambitions”
enough! Do you think he got 1 year experience, 15 times? |
Graph enclosed) |
Seems he would do “anything” to get a
abetter/higher designation-even accept a “salary-cut”/move to a small
town/take up job in a virtually unknown company. Seems to have moved-up “Career Ladder” at a
reasonable pace, neither too fast, nor too slow. His “responsibilities” do not match with his
designation/seems over designated. He seems to have reached his “level of
incompetence”! Watch out! He seems overambitions (for us)! |
What “Data” should be
extracted? |
Why? Purpose? How will it
help Recruiter? What “inference” can he draw from data? |
Ø For each job -
Starting Salary -
Ending Salary -
Ave. Salary
growth (% rise/year of service) Ø For entire career ·
growth (% rese/year of total exp.) (See
MOOLAH-MANIA attached) |
Ø Seems to have got a “hefty” pay-rise, every time he
changed job-so that explains why so many job-changes in so few years! ØInsignificant pay rise when he changed last job -
I wonder why! Ø He accepted a “salary-cut”? Something seems fishy!
Must probe the motive. Ø For his “Age/Exp/Design Level”, isn’t current
salary too low/too high? What is “Median/Average” for his à Industry or à Function at
this “Age/Exp/Design Level”? Ø If he is used to such annual “Pay Rises” how long
will he hang around with us? Won’t he be on a look-out (for a better pay
packet) all the time? Ø We seriously need to look at our
“compensation-structure” & revise it up words Ø Hey! Why not we too introduce “Performance-Linked
Variable Pay” |
Expà Ageà x 40 60 30 50 20 40 0 20 30 10 15 10 5
If Recruiter can see such a graph, as soon “Extractor”
is applied, it would, tell following (hidden) “STORY” :- (a) Is
this executive, a “High Flier” or a “Slow Riser”? (b) Did
he ever “stagnate” on a (hierarchy) level for too long? I must ask him why? (c)
How did he manage to jump to VP position from “Manager” position? (d) Has
he “burnt-out” quite early in his career? (e) Does
he keep changing jobs frequently for higher “Designation”? (f)
On this particular job-change, why did he
accept a lower designation? Did he gain in any other way?
‘Resumine’ would
have following aspects:
Ø Versatility
Is it versatile enough to cany out
datamining from the widest variety of email resumes? Eg. Not only resumes of
Indians (found on Indian jobsites) but also of Americans?
Although, initially we may release V
1.0, for only Indian resumes, next version must cover American resumes. After
all USA/UK are much bigger markets-and, what is more interesting, “better
paying” markets! This is crucial if we wish to leverage our association with
PENHRYNE to penetrate these markets.
Ø Depth
As of now, we have some 17 “fields”
& 6 “block”. In version 2.0, these would need to be enlarged (see my
earlier note)
Ø Accuracy
This is a very important aspect. We
may release V 1.0 with 80% accuracy but soon follow it up with V 2.0, give 90% accuracy.
By Jan 2004, we must target 95%
accuracy (-balance 5% “errors” should be capable of being “edited” manually,
Ø Dependability
The software must perform reliably
again & again & again! Then only can our reputation spread by
word-of-mouth (which is our most powerful ASLESMAN!). after all community of HR
managers is quite small and word spreads like wildfire-whether “good word” or
“Bad Word”!
Ø Presentation/Packaging
No matter, how good may be our “Resumine”
in its “functionalities”, if our visual DISPLAY is poor, nobody will want to
touch it!
Our user interface must be totally
intuitive and extremely user friendly. And then it must “dazzle” the viewer. It
must have “Magic-Like” quality! It must “spell-bind” the viewer and hold him in
“awe”! it must “amaze” him!
The display (UI) must prompt user to
pay-around/interact/explore. It must keep him “glued”.
Whit this in mind, I ask you to
examine enclosed proposal re: its feasibility.
The screen is divided in 2 parts,
Left side will display actual resume
which is being “extracted”.
On one side of the resume, are
The “Fields”
(being extracted) and on the other side are the “Keywords”, which “match-maker”
tool finds in the resume.
Ø When viewer/user, moves the cursor on
any given “field”, the actual “value” (word/wors/para) in the resume will
change colour (Say “Red”). Of course if that word/value is hidden at the
bottom, entire resume will automatically slide-upward and “expose” the
concerned value/word.
The highlighting-and turning red-of
the relevant word is the proof that the software has accurately/correctly
captured the value!
If desired, we can also provide
another screen/s (like the ones developed by Sunitha/Vikram) - and a button-so
that a “doubting” user can actually see the captured value INSIDE a field-box!
- and be able to edit the same.
But the idea of “highlighting”
And turning red a Value when the
cursor is moved across it, is to DRAMATIZE/MESMERIZE the viewer with the
Elegance ·
Speed ·
Accuracy of
data capture |
In version 5.0, moving the cursor, will make the
computer to speak-aloud the word! (TextàSpeech Conversion) |
As far as the righthand vertical bar of “Keywords Extracted”
is concerned, initially it will be blank/white space. As soon as matchmaker has
found/located/matched the keywords, this bar will suddenly get filled-up, in
Here we can even design the software in such a manner that
the order in which the keywords get arranged in the “bar”, is exactly the same
as the order (sequence) in which these keywords appear in the resume, so that
the resume does not have to keep dancing up & down all the time.
Once again,
moving the cursor on any keyword will turn it red (in the resume) and highlight
By arranging
the keywords in
A simple
“sequence”, we are avoiding the 9 “category-boxes”, as also the confusion
(difference of opinion) whether a give keyword is:
When we come
out with Version 2.0, two things will happen, when cursor is moved across a
keyword in the vertical bar:
# 1 à Keyword gets highlighted in the
(Covered under version
# 2 à Next to that keyword a box appears
containing “synonyms” picked up from MS Thesaurus
Related Concepts |
Examine |
[analyse] |
Study |
Observe |
Check-out |
Dissect |
Measure |
I presume
integrating MS Thesaurus with highlighted keywords (in the resume), may not be
very complicated, but you can imagine the impact on the viewer! How visual
thesaurus. Com “GRIPS” us!
The entire
righthand half of the screen, I have ser aside for displaying the
We may
restrict the display to 5/6 bars. (With scrolling arrangement, all the bars can
be accommodated). However, from the viewpoint of the recruiter/HR manager, what
would be of great interest is the “PROFILE ENHANCER” box at the bottom. This
would contain the rare keywords found in this resume, which (may) set
this candidate apart from hundreds of others. These, rare keywords may contain
“clue” to some unique skill/knowledge that candidate possesses. Now
imagine the (pleasant) surprise of the recruiter, if he is looking for exactly
such a unique skill!
discuss with me soon to finalize the “integrated” display
Very low
frequency of occurrence
ß Move Cursor on these words à |
Resume being
“Datamined” |
% 100 80 60 40 20 |
First Name |
Administration Advance Analyse Apartments Applications Asset Autocade Develop 2000 Oracle Planning RDBMS Visual Basic ASP CMM Level DOS NT SQL DBA DCA Diploma Administrator Consultants Designer Manager Programme |
Provision for scrolling the bars up or
down. This arrangement would enable all the bars to be
accommodated/exposed. Most Important: - Horizonal % bar at top must always remain visible. 60.6 63.1 65.3 74.2 |
Middle Name |
Last Name |
D O B |
Gendre |
Current Company |
Current Designation |
Total Exp.
Edu. Level |
City |
PIN Code |
Country |
PHONE Home Work Mobile |
Fax |
BLOCKS Objective Exp. Skills Educed Reference Details |
PROFILE ENHANCER [Rarely occurring keywords
found in this Resume] |
RESUME DEMO (Beta Version)
# We
shall give this demo to L & T Group on March 3rd – possibly
afternoon 3P.m.
# I
will get concerned L & T officers to confirm date/time/venue. Most likely
venue will be their “C” bldg. Conf. room which has an LED projector hanging
from the ceiling & a big screen. The room can conveniently sit 20 people. I
will arrange for you/Abhi to visit Powai on 2nd March &
carry-out a “dress-rehearsal” of the demo. An engineer from their electrical
maintenance dept. will remain present, on both the days, to help you carry-out
necessary connections.
# We
shall carry Nirmit’s laptop duly loaded with Resumine software. I will get Mr.
Siroor to bring along a CD containing some 50 email resumes. Nirmit one resume
at-a-time & convert. Do you need to
give any special instructions to Mr. Siroor?
# Do
you want me to arrange for a colour printer (for attaching to Nirmit’s
It would be a good idea to enable L & T HR managers to take colour
print-outs of their own “Converted” email resumes, as a “proof” of Resumine’s
(HR Mgrs.) may wish to show such colour print-outs to their (Director) Bosses,
who may not be able to remain present
A. M. Naik/J. P. Nayak/Y. M. Deosthalee/Mukhija/KV.AR etc.
course, I will try to get as many of these to remain present, as possible.
must try out/thoroughly test this “printing” feature at our end first.
# Should
we prepare 2/3 PowerPoint slides to proceed our demo? These would explain the
problems faced by corporates & how Resumine “solves” these problems.
# Demo
of “RE_SEARCH” (search-engine) should be combined with Resumine demo what is
the use of converting email resumes into a “structured” database, if the
database cannot be searched?
Now, when we give Resumine demo at the most 8/10 resumes may
be converted. This is too small a database for conducting a search!
Therefore, let us, (on a separate CD) carry our own 5000
converted email resumes (database) with us, so that we can load this 3P
database to give demo of
It is important that these 5000 are duly converted/extracted
using Resumine. This is critical.
Because when we click on any of the PEN in the DISPLAY,
(shortlist of result), then we should be able to see on the screen the
Will “Competency Profile”/Keywords & everything!
PL. feel
free to ask.
CC: Abhi
RE-TRACT (or “RESUMINE”? – sounds better)
(Resume Extraction Software)
If we intend
to offer a “Best-of-the-Breed” solution, we need to extract a lot of “data from
each resume, convert into “information” & then turn it into “knowledge”, for
the benefit of our webservice subscribers.
Enclosed pl.
find a few examples. If 3 of you apply your minds, I am sure, you can come-up
with many more ideas.
We don’t
have to introduce all these “features/functionalities/visual-graphs” etc. in
one go. There will be many VERSIONS – some may be “priced” as separate,
standalone, transactions whereas, some others may be introduced as “upgrades”
(free) of original feature.
CC: Raju-Mitchelle-Sir Ram-Nirmit
Pl. do send
further suggestions
to Kartavya,
in enclosed format.
Data à Information à Knowledge
What “Data” Should be extracted? |
Why? Purpose? How will it help Recruiter? What
“inference” can he draw from data? |
Ø Name of University |
He has attended a respectable Uni/College. |
Ø No. of Degrees & Diplomas |
Highly qualified Person/Holds a “foreign” degree |
Ø “Age” at which passed-out |
Must be brilliant to get an MS at the age of 22! |
Ø Name/s of Employer Companies |
Seems to have worked for reputed/unknown companies. Why did he leave a well-known Co. to join a small/unknown
company? Started-out with “Good” companies but seem to have gone “astray”
after 10 yrs. of experience! |
Ø Name of Cities (where posted) |
Why did he choose such a “god-forsaken” remote/small
town? Why did he move from Mumbai to Shirde? |
Ø Name/s of BOSSES |
He has worked under Mr. XYZ, who is an outstanding professional.
Must have had good training/exposure. |
What “Data” Should be extracted? |
Why? Purpose? How will it help Recruiter? What
“inference” can he draw from data? |
Ø Duration/Tenure in
different jobs ·
Max. Tenure ·
Min. Tenure ·
Ave tenure ·
Total yrs. of Exp. ·
No. of Jobs held during career. |
He looks like a
“job-jumper”! We may have to look for a replacement in 1 yr.! ·
8 jobs in 12 years!
What is this guy up to? Can’t he get along with anybody! Let me probe
further. ·
2 jobs in 25 years!
Does not look “ambitions” enough! Do you think he got 1 year experience, 15
times? |
GISTORY (See “Career-Growth Graph enclosed) |
Seems he would do
“anything: to get a better/higher designation – even accept a
“salary-cut”/move to a small town/take up job in a virtually unknown company. ·
Seems to have moved-up
“Career Ladder” at a reasonable pace, neither too fast, nor too slow. ·
His “responsibilities”
do not match with his designation/seems over designated. ·
He seems to have
reached his “Level of incompetence”! ·
Watch out! He seems
overambitious (for us)! |
What “Data” Should be extracted? |
Why? Purpose? How will it help Recruiter? What
“inference” can he draw from data? |
Ø For each job -
Starting Salary -
Ending Salary -
Ave. Salary growth (% rise/year of
service) For
entire career Ø
Ave. salary growth (% rise/year of
total exp.) (See MOOLAH-MANIA attached) |
Seems to have got a “hefty” pay-rise,
every time he changed job – so that explains why so many job – changes in so
few years! Ø
Insignificant pay rise when he
changed last job – I wonder why! Ø
He accepted a “salary-cut”? something
seems fishy! Must probe the motive. Ø
For his “Age/Exp/Desig. Level”, isn’t
current salary too low/too high? What is “Median/Average” for his à
Industry or à
Function At this “Age/Exp/ Desig.
Level”? Ø
If he is used to such annual “Pay
Rises”, how long will he hang around with us? Won’t he be on a look-out (fer
a better pay packet) all the time? Ø
We seriously need to look at our
“compensation-structure” & revise it upwards Ø
Hey! Why not we too introduce
“Performance-Linked Variable Pay”? |
Expà Ageà x 40 60 30 50 20 40 0 20 30 10 15 10 5
If Recruiter can see such a graph, as soon “Extractor”
is applied, it would, tell following (hidden) “STORY” :- (g) Is
this executive, a “High Flier” or a “Slow Riser”? (h) Did
he ever “stagnate” on a (hierarchy) level for too long? I must ask him why? (i)
How did he manage to jump to VP position from “Manager” position? (j) Has
he “burnt-out” quite early in his career? (k) Does
he keep changing jobs frequently for higher “Designation”? (l)
On this particular job-change, why did he
accept a lower designation? Did he gain in any other way?
Dec. 21,2002
Sir Ram
Someday, 3P
will have two, reasonably independent “Divisions” (or Strategic Business Units
– SBU), viz:
Ø Executive Search Division
This SBU will primarily engage in “headhunting” for SENIOR level
This SBU will depend upon a “NOV-MEMBER” database of passive job seekers,
who will need to be located, talked to, persuaded to consider a position.
Ø Recruitment Division
This SBU will primarily engage
level executive-placement with client-companies (5 yr. – 15 year experience).
division will mainly depend upon a large database of job-seekers, who have
submitted their resumes to us, or to any other website, (may be, someday, to
any other placement agencies – e.g. Our partner placement agency program).
Manhattan will make it possible for us to build-up a large database of such
ACTIVE job-seekers. In course of time, Project Manhattan will be entirely
“automated” (end-to-end), so that very little human intervention is required in
à Downloading job-advt. (Lexi bot/Info
à Converting job-advt. (Composer)
à Uploading job-advt. (FTP)
à Receiving resumes
à Converting resumes (to structured
à Searching resumes (against client’s
“INQUIRY” (OET-1) - Thru “Intelligent Spider”
in Member-Search Tool
à Sending out resumes (Converted
Resumes) - ARGIS
à Sending out proposals
Etc. etc.
This Division will also employ
“GLOBAL RECRUITER” (as a WEB-SERVICE) to lock-in customers (Corporate-Clients).
Whether Global Recruiter
Web-Service, should be completely FREE give-away (like MS Internet Explorer) or
it should carry an “Annual Subscription” is something we can debate, by listing
PROS & CONS of both models.
I strongly believe that it should be a “WEB-SERVICE” and not
a shrink-wrapped box (product) which is “licensed” to buyers for a price.
This would require elaborate/complex “VERSION-CNTROL” &
“marketing of upgrades” type of issues/problems. We would need a whole
department for this!
There are no such problems with a Web-Service. We have to add
features/upgrade only our own webserver! The users, would need no installation
at their
Ends. They
may or may not, even notice any change in the quality of web-service. And
webservice will be independent of HW/SW issues at client-end.
This was a bit of digression.
What is Project Octoous and what is
its relevance/importance to this
Earlier, we noted that this SBU, takes care of its
“SUPPLY-SIDE” (i.e. supply of Candidates/Resumes) thru
Project Manhattan,
Which, we intend to completely AUTOMATE (-a challenge for the
technical team).
We, further hope that
Will help this division capture “Clients”, some of whom will
rather “outsource” their recruitment process than “advertise” on their own.
As far as “DEMAND-SIDE” is concerned
(i.e. getting orders), I would not want to depend on “Global Recruiter” only.
That would be too dangerous.
I would like to have another/one
more mechanism to
(Demand side Management)
It must also be a fully AUTOMATED
mechanism! -with no or very little human intervention!!
That is
On Discovery
Channel, you must have seen an octopus with its many tantacles and hundreds of
suction-cups on each tantacle.
suction-cup, firmly attaches itself to a prey/victim and just does not let go.
In fact several suction-cups attach
To the
victim. Then the tentacle (which has a far reach), wraps around the victim and
brings it in to where the mouth is.
Very little
hope of escape.
We too, must
learn from Nature-and its marvellous creatures-and COPY its processes
(emulate), for survival & growth.
“survival of the Fittest” by Darwin? Species that survived are those that “adapted”
to the environment (which was constantly changing). Rest were wiped
It is no
different in the harshly competitive jungle of “Business”. If we do not adapt,
we will get eaten-up by the predators (-the competitors), who are on the prowl.
But unlike
in “Nature” in “Business” we (as a species), do not have the luxury to “adapt”
over centuries & millennia. In the internet age, a century is one year
& a
“decade” is
a “month”! This is the rate at which environment is change. Like on an
accelerating “Tread-mill”, (-a conveyor belt), we would have to, forever run
faster & faster, to stay at the same place! Others will fade away in
To mimic
nature, we too must evolve into an octopus.
We too, must
have a thousand “Suction-Cups” to suck-in “Orders”.
thousand suction-cups, are India’s thousand “placement-agencies”, most of which
are located in metros/mini-metros & class B towns. These agencies are
manned by the owner and 3/4 assistants.
all-of these agencies cater to the manpower needs of their “local”
corporate-client. These agencies do not have a “national” reach. Not only are
their client “local” even their resume databases, consist of local
Many of them have this resume-databases in box-files. A few may have succeeded
in entering these records in “Excel” or “MS-Access”.
None of
these have their own websites (or may be a very few), or structured and
searchable databases.
with those, who have computers & internet all access, we must, ultimately
convert all of these 1000 agencies, into our
(our suction-cups).
They will
bring-in “orders” for us, from their local corporate-clients (whom, we may be
unable to reach on our own). It is understandable that these corporates would
trust a local “placement agency” -with whom they have been dealing in the past.
And these
agencies will earn from us a “Franchisee Commission” of 30% of our
professional-fees for exerting that order.
In practise, they will “execute” the
order on their own-without (maybe) any intervention/assistance from our side!
All our “franchisees” will be
connected to our Marol serves thru VPN or leased lines (or even dial-up
connections, if these improve dramatically over next 12 months-thru Reliance
Info comm-connecting 115 cities).
They become a part of our extended
They log-into our server, using
passwords and bio-matric devices.
Essentially, they will log-into our
And use it,
exactly the same way one of our own consultant uses it from our own office. Of
course OES will need
Like any
other (local) Consultant, a franchisee will
an “Inquiry” (OET 1) into system
a proposal
to Client/Candidate
invoice (in 3P’s name)
cheque (made-out in 3P’s name)
cheque details in OES & forward cheque to Marol.
One, over-riding
Nothing-but nothing-can be done
outside of OES.
Even if a franchisee has a local
printer, the PRINT command would come only from OES.
If any email has to be sent to anyone (Client or Candidate or
3P or anybody), it can only be done thru OES. Same for all incoming emails
No database (of resumes) can be
downloaded on franchisee’s local hard-disk.
No telephone call can be made (or
received) without being recorded into OES).
Server-based software will track
every mouse-click of franchisee’s computer and create an AUDIT-TRAIL and create
a history of his “Surfing” habits-(i.e. surfing the OES). Such “SPY-WARES” are
already available.
In a nutshell, no franchisee should
be ever able to “cheat” us.
In fact no
hardware/software can be added at franchisee’s premises unless Marol Server
authorises it (after detection).
What is important to notice in
My foregoing
observations is,
à Order is “brought-in” by franchisee
à Order is “executed” by franchisee
à Order is “collected” by franchisee
And all that
We – Our SERVER, to be precise, - does is,
à Deliver “data” over
à Keep “track” of each franchisee’s
performance (orders booked/executed/being executed/collections
made/outstanding’s etc. etc.)
à Credit franchisee’s bank-account with
what is due to him (commission)
à Set “Order Booking/Net-Collection”
Targets for each franchisee.
And everything AUTOMATED!
Supply Chain Demand
Management à Management
(Manhattan) ß (Octopus).
“Conceptualising” is not enough. We must translate this into action.
Kartavya –
Abhi – Inder à HCP
Read enclosed article & following
It shows we are on the right
track-but moving very slowly!
Digital Newspaper |
Remote delivery of entire newspaper in tabloid format |
Remote delivery of Job-Advt. summary in 6/8 column
format |
Country/Nation/100 newspaper option |
Thousands of Job-Advt. downloaded from various
jobsites/summarised & search parameters to configure |
Available in Hotel Lobbies/Cruise Ships/Airports |
Available at Cybercafes/Small town newspapers/Edu.
Institutes/PCO’s |
2 servers in The Hague, uploading latest editions of
world wise newspapers |
3P server being uploaded with job-advt. downloaded
from sites (auto-converted into COMPOSER) |
5 satellites to distribute. Each kiosk needs a
satellite dish |
Internet to distribute. No extra investment for
cybercafe |
Latest edition (of newspaper) to be stored locally
in Kiosk’s PC (must overwrite OLD edition) |
Nothing to be stored/edited/over-written on local
Cybercafe PC. Cybercafe can configure & download whatever Job-Advt.
Summary (for whatever date/period) they want. – Even city wise jobs! Of local
interest |
PEPC targeting worldwide operations thru dealer
network |
We want to target 16000 Cybercafes of India +
Webstores of Reliance + Petrol Pump Outlets + 600 small town newspapers etc. |
Dealer fixes the “Selling Price” |
Under “Operation Lock In”, we will permit Cybercafes
to fix any price (Per Company) for sending resumes & give us a fixed amount |
Target Audience: 200 million business travellers/1
Lakh 3/4 Star Hotels |
All the unemployed graduates of India + executives
looking for a job-change |
Advantage to Users Immediate access to latest edition of newspaper of
your choice wherever you happen to be |
Ø No need to buy 100 newspapers daily Ø No need to surf websites 10 hours/day Ø No need to type & mail hundreds of job-
applications (@ Rs. 10/application) over weeks/months (Lock-In) |
Advantage to Dealer/Kiosk Owner A revenue-model |
Advantages to Cybercafe Owner Perpetual revenue model/Repeat Customers/Competitive
Advantage over “Non-Partner” Cybercafes |
Sept. 12, 2002
Sri Ram
Debugging of Execution System
Ø This is further to my earlier note
“Entry of Current Assignments into OES”
Ø Approximate number of Current/Pending
assignments are as follows:
Person No.
of Assignments
Sir Ram ?
Venu 19
Sai 16 56 + ?
Pranati 3
Usha 18
Raju 10
Megha 10
Mitchelle 24 60 + ?
Team 4
Keyuri ?
Total 116 + ?
Ø In my note to Abhi/Rajeev (Sept
6/Copy sent to you), I have listed in Annex A, the “bugs” which they must
remove by Dec. 2002. These are “important” bugs. There could be other less
important/troublesome bugs tec.
Ø However it is quite probable, that
there are some simple/straight forward search-assignments which can go
thru/sail thru, without any problems-even from the so-called “Important Bugs”! Out
of 116, I suspect there could be as many as 20/30, which might fall in this
As far as these 20/30 are concerned, there is no reason, to hold
back entry into OES. This must be done-and done SOON.
Ø The remaining 80/90, could get stuck,
somewhere or other, due to those “Important Bugs” – one or more
Ø To discover/uncover, which assignment
will get “stuck-up” in which “Entry/Transaction Screen”, it is not necessary to
physically/laboriously/meticulously, try to enter each & every assignment
into all the 21 screens, chronologically.
Ø Take a look at the enclosed
“Work-Sheet”. Most of our consultants are deeply familiar with the data
required to be entered into each of the 21 (entry) screens listed on the enclosed
From their
“Knowledge”/Understanding of
à A given assignment
à A given client (-behaviour)
à A given screen (fields to be filled)
consultants would be quickly able to figure-out/guess
assignment will progress” how far & then get stuck where
Ø I suggest you make photocopies of
enclosed “Work Sheet” & give one to each consultant and ask her/him to
first fill-in Assignment Details (Client & Position).
Then, after a quick look, consultant can put a cross (X) under that
input screen, where she/he thinks the assignment will get stuck & may not
be able to progress further! Of course, following screens are unlikely to pose
any problem :-
OET 2 / (maybe) OET 4 / OET 7 / OET 8 / OET 20
Ø Please do this quickly &
handover all individual/consultant-wise WORK-SHEETS to Abhi for
his guidance. Copies of worksheets may be retained with each consultant
Ø Having done this QUICK ANALYSIS,
let each consultant start actual entry of all screens to VALIDATE the
quick analysis
CC: Nirmit
CC: Abhi
CC: Rajeev
Consultant Name: _________________ Assignments Analysed As
On: __________________
Pending Search Assignment |
OET 1 |
OET 2 |
OET 3 |
OET 4 |
OET 5 |
OET 6 |
OET 7 |
OET 8 |
OET 9 |
OET 10 |
OET 11 |
OET 12 |
OET 13 |
OET 14 |
OET 15 |
OET 16 |
OET 17 |
OET 18 |
OET 19 |
OET 20 |
OET 21 |
Sr. No. |
Client |
(Vacancy) |
Inquiry |
thru Shopping Cart |
Proposal |
Amendment |
Order |
Plan |
Detail |
of Inqu/Propo/So |
Listing |
Score-Sheet |
Schedule |
Re-Schedule |
Details |
Form |
Invoice |
with Client |
with Candidate |
Candidate |
for Project-Closure |
Sale |
Receipt Details |
1 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
(Applitech’s Quotation dt. Feb. 21,
Item # 47 |
Priority |
Menu Entry by Client. |
H |
List “Client” – focussed Reports
Report Title |
Report No. |
Shopping Basket (Client Wise) |
7 |
Proposal (Ref. : SRS PR 01) |
19 |
Sales Order ( ) |
20 |
Project Plan for a Sales Order |
21 |
Project Variance for a Sales Order |
22 |
Pending Orders For a Client -
Consultant Wise -
Vacancy Name
Wise -
Esti. Billing
Value Wise |
27 28 29 30 |
One-Line Statement for a Client (SRS OL 01) |
38 |
Advt. Details For a Client (given period) |
40 |
Advt. Response For a Client (given period) |
41 |
Follow-up details for an order of a given client |
47 |
Client-Wise expected date of joining |
49 |
Invoice Summary-Client Wise |
54 |
Out of Pocket Expense Invoice-Client Wise |
59 |
Client List on Order Value (For a given Period) |
61 |
(It will be a Super menu thru (which) all related
reports will be triggered)-(what does this mean?) |
65 |
Executive Placed Summary-Client Wise |
70 |
Outstanding-Client Wise |
81 |
Before Sanjeev leaves, you should very thoroughly understand
what work is still remaining to be carried-out by Applitech.
After Sanjeev’s departure, you will be over main
spokesman/interface with Applitech.
Resumes remaining to be sent |
(Order wise) |
35 |
Resumes already sent |
(Order wise) |
36 |
List of Prospective Candidates |
(Order wise) |
39 |
Interview Calls Sent-out |
(Order wise) |
43 |
Interview Schedule |
(Order wise) |
44 |
Interviews Held |
(Order wise) |
45 |
Interview Held Summary |
(Order wise) |
46 |
Compensation Details to be recd. |
(Order wise) |
51 |
Oop Invoice-Total |
60 |
Item # 12 of Change Request # 2 (21/02/01)
Consultant Name |
: |
Log-In |
: |
Password |
: |
Select Your “OPTION” |
Option Selected |
: |
Option Title |
Report No. |
No. of Inquiries remaining to be answered List of Inquiries which did not convert in order Inquiry status |
16 17 18 |
Option Selected |
: |
Option Title |
Report No. |
Option Selected |
: |
Report Title |
Report No. |
Pending Orders for a Consultant = (Chronologically) Pending Orders for a Consultants = (Client
wise) Pending Orders for a Consultant =
(Vacancy-Name Wise) Pending Order for a Consultant = (Estimated
Billing Value Wise) Load on a Consultant Follow-Up details for an Order of a given client |
23 24 25 26 34 47 |
Option Selected |
: |
Report Title |
Report No. |
Option Selected |
: |
Report Title |
Report No. |
One Line statement (For a Consultant) As per Format SRS=OL01 Details of Prospective Candidates As per Format SRS PC 01 |
37 39 |
Option Selected |
: |
Report Title |
Report No. |
Option Selected |
: |
Report Title |
Report No. |
? |
Resumes remaining to be sent (Order Wise) Resume sent out for an Order |
35 36 |
Option Selected |
: |
Report Title |
Report No. |
? ? ? |
Interview-Calls sent out for an order Interview schedules For Sales order Interview Held Summary-Client wise Interview Held Summary |
43 44 45 46 |
Option Selected |
: |
Report Title |
Report No. |
? |
Details of compensation received for an order Compensation Details remaining to be received for an
order |
50 51 |
Option Selected |
: |
Report Title |
Report No. |
Outstanding = Consultant Wise |
82 |
Recruit guru
The free-trial (30 days) that we
plan to offer is the price that we pay to promote our webservice.
But, we must, quantitatively,
know what is the exact price that we are paying.
This is quite simple
During the 30 da trial period, each
company would carry-out some transactions of different types. We are already
“counting” the “no. of transactions” of each type.
So, multiply
Company = ABC |
Transaction Type |
X |
No. of Transactions during
Sial |
= |
1 2 |
Total |
Then Tabulate a SUMMARY
Price-For-Promotion |
Sr. No. |
Company Name |
Free Trial |
Rs. Value of free Trial |
Cumu. Rs. Value |
If company became Regular
Subscriber, firsst payment amount |
Start Date |
End Date |
summary table will tell us
Ø Revenue loss due to free trial
(individual company wise & cumulative, as of any date)
Ø Amount (of loss) “re-couped”/”re-covered”
thru company/companies becoming regular subscribers, at the end of free trial
It is also possible that the “Rupee
Value of free trial usage”, could light on
à “Usage patterns” of different
(-all free trial subscribers are
quite unlikely to have the same/similar/identical patterns of usage of
different transactions. Some may do more “conversions” but less “searches”
whereas some others may have exactly opposite pattern of usage. Such analysis
will be very useful)
Ø From individual/collective “usage
patterns” (transaction-wise), during free trial period, we may be able to
extrapolate/predict, future “usage-patterns”, statically.
Any “prediction” based on a mere 30
day “sample-size”, may not be, statistically “significant” to begin with.
However, we are going to compile-and graphically plot-each transaction-usage, every
So, our sample-size, keeps growing
for ever and the accuracy of our predictions, will keep improving, with each
passing month!
Being able to predict the likely
trend-the likely no. of transactions-for next 3 months (a kind of monthly
rolling forecast), is VERY IMPORTANT for us, from following viewpoints:
à We can predict the “likely” load on
our webserver & our bandwidth & will be able to take advance steps to
à We will be able to predict our “Cash
Inflow”, profitability/tax-planning etc.
à We will be able to do
Global Recruiter
Nov. 17, 2002
Recruitment Software Project
find my notes on this subject. This is, by no means, comprehensive and you must
feel free to add more points/questions.
core-team will consist of Inder & Kartavya. They would, as needed, seek
help from Nirmit/Raju/ Sir Ram. Since, target date for preparation of CONCEPT-NOTE
is 18th January 2003, there should be a weekly review meeting of
Core-Team with Nirmit/Raju/Sri Ram.
Nirmit may
consider involving Krishna who is expected to join on Dec. 9.
CC: Abhi
CC: Raju
CC: Sir
Points/Questions to be raised/answered :-
Ø What is the status of current usage
of software-based recruitment systems/methods/solutions amongst Indian
Corporates? -among our current/past
Does this awareness/usage differ from
à Industry to Industry
à City to City
à Large Cos to Small Cos
Ø What % & which type of corporates
have already installed SAP/RAMCO/People Soft erp packages? What is their extent
of “Lock-In”? stage/state of implementation? How would this affect/impact their
willingness/decision to accept/adopt a “Recruitment Software Package” being
offered by 3P? will they be reluctant? Would they want 3P package to get
“integrated” with their existing ERP System?
Ø How Computer/Internet Savvy are
Indian HR/Recruitment Mgrs.? What is the extent of Computerization in the HR
depts. of Indian Corporates? Are computers primarily used for attendance-record
/ payroll / benefit-administration / leave-records / maintenance of annual
reward history?
How many (-and what kind of)
companies use computers to create / maintain
à Employee Databases
à Resume Databases
What is the sophistication of their
Ø How many companies have
installed/used, standard/bought-out HRM Software Packages? at what cost? For
how long? Stand-alone or LAN versions?
Have any used “Recruitment Software
Packages”? For how long? Purchased from whom? At what price? What is their
experience? Would they want to buy another/ superior package? What additional/
missing features would the want incorporated in such new package?
Ø Companies who advertise their
jobs/vacancies on their own websites-what is experience so far? What kind of
response (No. of applications/resumes) do they get? Does this response vary
with the “level” of vacancy? Eg: more for junior/fresh openings & very little
for senior positions?
Do they use their
websites/webservers, only as a “Resume-Gathering” device or do they recruitment
process taking place on their websites?
Ø Companies who post their own vacancies
on their own websites
they also use Naukri/Monster/Jobs Ahead/Job-street/Jobs ad/Sapoorna/MaFoi etc.
for posting their vacancies? Do they get better response (quantity/quality
wase) from these job-boards than their own website?
Ø Are junior HR/Recruitment
executives/supervisors, more Computer-Savvy than their older bosses? Are these
junior executives “driving” the computerisation of their HR depts.
Do Senior/Older bosses (HR Mgrs.),
feel threatened by the Computer-Savvy ness of their juniors? Do they res is
How do HR depts. “justify”
computerisation of their processes? How do they “quantify” the benefits of
computerisation? What is top-management attitude towards Computerisation of HR
Ø What % of junior/entry-level HR
executives are qualitied as MBA (HRD/Personnel)? Is there a general trend to
hir more & more of these?
If this be the case, should we
“gift”, 3P’s “Recruitment Software solution/package”, to all
Colleges/Institutions offering Post-Graduate HR/Personnel Courses? These are
future decision-makers and if, they get used to using 3P Software package from
their college-days, they will, likely, buy/recommend same package when they
join a company! Brand-Loyalty.
Ø How many Corporates (-and which
type), use psychometric & other Similar Skill/Knowledge testing “Tests” for
their “recruitment and if yes, at what “level”? would they want such “TESTS”,
integrated in 3P’s software package?
There is no senel point in designing/developing
such tests on our own (reinventing the wheel). But if we wan to integrate,
readily available/standard packages into 3P Software Solution, we would need to
have “licensing” arrangement with the manufacturers.
Ø Obviously, we will need to prepare a
list of existing mfrrs. And Vendors of Indian Recruitment (-and also general
HR) software packages. we will need to tabulate & compare their
“Features”/their “strong” & weak” points.
Then, we will need to sharply
“question” their existing users about their experiences. Such intense
“analysis/dissection” of competitor’s products would enable us to design a
superior product.
We must also analyse
“Imported/Foreign” products being used by Indian. Corporates & learn from
their experiences/support etc.
Ø We would need to declare whether to
mee/dialogue with HR/Recruitment Managers, on a one-to-one basis or in a group
of ten/fifteen. May be, we will need to adopt both the methodologies, depending
upon, which (level) HR Manager would be able to “Contribute” most, in which
kind of environment. Some may “share/reveal” real (poor) experience, only in
the privacy of a one-to-one meeting! A timebound “Schedule” of such meetings
must be drawn-up.
Ø What % of the firms/companies are
looking for
à A separate Recruitment Software
Package only.
à A comprehensive HR Software Package
where “Recruitment” package is one of the modules?
Could we possibly build these
software as a series of “Modules” which, a company can buy license over a
period of 3/4 years, as its “need” grows and as its budget permits? Could these
modules integrate/interface with any existing legacy systems of a company?
Ø To what extent should we try/attempt
the “Recruitment Package” (being sold/licensed) to be integrated with
à Our website
à Our Order Execution System
à Company’s own “Annual Manpower
Planning/Budgeting” System.
This (decision) would depend upon
à Whether we want to make money selling,
out-of-box, recruitment software packages
à Whether we want to make money, when
user company is made/forced to give us an “Executive Search Assignment” as a
result of using our package.
Ø Shall we market the recruitment
package on our own, or can we think of a distribution network of
à Independent HR Consultants
à 1000 placement agencies
à Jobsites (Naukri/jobs ahead etc.)
à NIPM (National Institute of Personnel
à CII / Assocham / FICCI / NASSCOM /
Inst. Of Engineers / IIPM / HRD / Network / ICS / ICWA etc. etc.
For each such “Channel”, we must ask -&
“Why would they want to do this? What
do they stand to gain?”.
Ø How would creating/marketing a
“Recruitment Software Package” to hundreds of corporations, help us in
establishing 3P as
à For Executive Search, Corporate
India’s First Choice?
If WE, don’t do this, do we for see,
following doing this?
Naukri |
Ferguson |
Jobs Ahead |
Shilputsi |
Job-street |
Monster |
Ma Foi |
Jobs ad |
Sampoorna |
Hewitt |
Egon Zander |
Korn Ferry |
Etc. |
Ø Vis-à-vis other competing executive
search firms of India, how are we better (-or worse) placed, in
developing/marketing such a Recruitment Software? In which aspect do we score
over them & where do they score over us? -as far as development/marketing
of such a software is concerned?
Which of them have (-as Compared to
à Better vision/better tenacity?
à Better technology
à Better marketing acumen?
à Deeper pockets (sustainability)?
à Better VC Support?
à Greater client-base?
Ø After 2 months initial
Survey / study / dialogue with HR
mgrs. / preparation of “FINDINGS”-Report / preparation of “CONCEPT-NOTE” etc.,
à How long will it take to bring out a
marketable V 1.0 of the software?
à How/where will we “test” it?
à How will we finance the
development/marketing cost?
à How will we “price” it?
à How will we “market” it?
We need to build into our
“PROJECT-REPOT”, answers to these -and similar- questions, including,
à Do we need VC funding?
Ø To systematically complete the task
within stipulated period of 2 months, we must immediately (within this week
itself), draw-up an “Action-Plan/Project-Plan”, of all “activities” to
be undertaken/completed, by what target date, and by whom.
Unless we set “bench-marks” &
daily measure our progress against these, we cannot hope to achieve the desired
Ø In order to
collect/compile/collate/analyse, information/data from selected HR/Recruitment managers,
we need to quickly, prepare a “QUESTIONNAIRE”
It should be, as far as possible, an
“Objective” questionnaire, with “YES/NO”, “True/False” type of questions, or
having questions which require simple ticking [ü] on a scale of 1-to-5. Even then, do
NOT expect any HR manager to fill-in this questionnaire! Best way could be for
Nirmit/Sir Ram/Raju to ask the questions, across-the-table, and for
Inder/Kartavya to listen & fill-up/tick the appropriate value on the
questionnaire. This is the best method.
Sri Ram
Thanks to
Project Manhattan, this month, we expect to receive at least 20,000 resumes
(from Monster & Jobs Ahead only) – more than what we received from our own
website to come, this figure will go up dramatically.
As of
today, resume received from Monster can be converted into our Module 1 structured
database, with a single click. This is being installed today.
By 13th
Jan (date given by Abhi), we should be able to convert, all structured &
un-structured email resumes, into Module 1, with a single mouse-click. So
thereafter, there will be no “backlog” for data-entry. This means, our
Can be
expected to grow by 30,000/40,000
month! – And it will be “Searchable”!!
a large resume database, by downloading/uploading job-advt., is just ONE
of the benefits. There are many others, which I have listed in enclosed chart.
These advantages, make job-advt. downloading, a very important project.
we have tied-up very little inhouse manpower resources for this purpose. We
have 2 outside vendors who will download (at least 100 job-advt. each/day.)
& email to us, at the end of the day. We pay only Rs. 2/= per job-advt.
As far as
“extraction” of various “Databases” from these job-advt. is concerned, we have
already created/installed most of the Software Tools – which are either
automated or in the process of being automated. We must ensure that there is no
manual data-entry of any kind. This is a low-cost but very VITAL
Who (which Companies) need
What executives for posting
Where (Location) offering
What Salaries Treat each Job-Advt. as an “INQUIRY” (OET 1)
& pro-actively recommend suitable Candidates (without revealing
identity). Automatic email requesting them to look-up “Long Display” of
shortlist candidates on their Exclusive Page CONTACT
INFO. DATABASE Phone/Mobile/Fax/E-mail (Auto Dialing/Mass
Ind/Function/Design/Location wise “Global Recruiter” Corporate Database extracted from 1 lakh
job-advt. will help us in promoting this web-based service to these
companies (2000?) HR
Contact/Apply To details NON-MEMBER
Names/Add. Etc. of Executives other than HR Mgrs. (from Contact/Apply To
details) EXCLUSIVE
PAGES Send “Corporate Keys” to 20,000 companies.
Allow them to “access” - Candidate Alerts - Job Advt. History - Resumes Sent (thru
DATABASE Contact Info & Profiles of (20,000?)
companies which POP-UP when they call-along with Job Advt. History
of that Company. JAWS/LOCK
Broadcasting (emailing) of customized job-advt. “Summaries” to 16000 cyber
cafes/700 newspapers/Edu. Institutes/webstores etc. thereby creating
traffic & large resume database (Candidates like to “Apply Online”)
Creating a powerful Revenue-Model for 16000 cybercafes who will collect Rs.
1/= per Company-Name to whom candidates wish to forward resumes. Candidate simply clicks on names of 20,000
Companies, whose job-advt. we have downloaded & for whom we have
created Exclusive Pages. We charge a % of fees. KNOWLEDGE-BASES
Job Descriptions
Edu. Qualifications
Actual Designations
Keywords (Category-Wise) PROJECT
Building Up a large Resume Database + “Non-Member” database (from “References”)
Ø We receive a lot of email resumes
Ø These are Unstructured
These cannot be “searched” using search-parameters such as
Function ü Actual Designation
Level ü Current Company
Qualification ü Fast Name
Age ü Last Name
Experience ü Address
City ü Phone No.
Keywords ü Email etc. etc.
Ø So, we use ISYS (Text based Search)
for searching thru email resumes. This search throws-up a large volume of
records, which a consultant has to carefully go thru, one by one, to select
“good” ones. This is a painfully slow process.
Ø Some email resumes are entered in
Module 1 “structured” database by D/E operators. This is a very slow &
error-prone process. Only few “fields” are captured. D/E operators cannot
cope-up manually.
Ø We need a software which AUTOMATICALLY
extracts relevant “fields” from an email resume & creates a
structured/uniform/error-free database, which can be searched by using
search-parameters mentioned earlier.
That means email resumes
automatically get entered into Module 1.
Kartavya With copies to
Abhi Ø Nirmit
Ø Raju
As per
à We may have to give a demo on Thursday
à Oracle want Profile-Graphs as per skills
(viz: à One graph for “VB”
One graph for “C++”
One graph for “Developer 2000”
One graph for “ASp” etc.
I think
all software companies would want such “skill-specific” profile graphs, so
that, they can compare an incoming resume (raw score as well as percentile
score) with
Their “PRIVATE” profile-base of VB / C++ / Asp etc.
Their own employees’ profile-base of VB / C++ / Asp etc.
comparison will tell them, where exactly does the “applicant jobseeker” stand
vis-à-vis above-mentioned SUB-POPULATIONS (skill-specific populations) and
whether he should be called for interview or not.
In fact,
if such skill-specific sub-populations (graphs) can be developed, then, we can
also build into our Guru Mine, an intelligent spider, which would automatically
shortlist only those (C++) incoming resumes who
Score 70 %
or above “Percentile”. All the rest are eliminated at this
Then the human-expert screeners have
to read/review only a few resumes which have scored > 70 percentile.
This would dramatically
improve/increase the productivity of ORACLE’S recruitment team. With a target
to double existing headcount (from current 3000 to 6000 by next Sept.),
Oracle’s recruitment-section must be under a terrific pressure/tension. The
jobs of the recruiting staff may well depend upon achieving this target.
So, they would
grab any software that
à Takes “guesswork” out of preliminary screening & sends
out daily interview-call emails (a schedule that can be prepared in Guru
Search & date wise searchable).
à Speeds-up the
recruitment Cycle.
I am sure
we can develop “Skill-Wise” profiles. Question should not be “Whether we can”,
question is “When do ORACLE want?
CC: Nirmit
CC: Raju
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