Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 21 December 2022

Flight Deck-Recruitguru



File Name- Flight Deck-Recruitguru








Software Development Priorities for next 30 days.


Enclosed find my suggestions


In case there are any doubts / questions pl feel free to see me preferably together


I suppose Kartavya would prepare a PROJECT PLAN laying down, who will do what & when we should monitor it weekly.


During next 3/4-week Abhi will concentrate on:

1.       Processing 2 lakh job-advts thru Auto-converter to create database separate actual vacancy name wise /ISYS-INDEX keywords for each vacancy name calculate frequency / compute weightages etc. ( To help create graphical profiles for SKILLS for IT/ITES companies)

2.       Develop / Buy a web spider for downloading job-advts so that Vitthal can do more meaningful work.




Recruitguru                                                                                                                                                        29-09-03

Priorities for additional features

1.       Flight Deck subscribers & our own separate folder sent today.

2.       Counter on Homepage “Aggregate of Resumes Extended”

3.       Speed / Accuracy Graphs

4.       Facility for a subscriber to bounce back extracted resume back to the concerned candidate asking him to edit / update asp Career History section & then directly log on to specified with just one click (mass bouncing back) I am seriously considering offering this Transaction FREE


When thousands of candidates edit/update & upload their extracted resumes on Recruitguru’s PRIVATE databases, subscribers will not notice the extraction failures!




Hopefully all candidates will edit/ update/ upload because of the FEAR (emotion) that if he did not / will not be even considered for the vacancy in question!


“Edit /upload/update request coming from a potential employer will be complied 100%!


In the process our subscribers’ databases will become complete in all respects without error and become up to date therefore the subscribers will be able to drive full benefit of their private databases they will be happy


so the job seekers will contribute to our success by completing our incomplete work.


we many events seriously consider whether these ability on part of the jobseeker we can be made up permanent feature instead of one time feature.


by this I mean can we permit a jobseeker to edit this resume online as fun as he wants? Whenever he wants?


Now remember that the search editing has to be done carried out into the subscriber private database!





A subscriber may or may not want to any jobseeker to be able to access his private database at will for the purpose of editing he may think that integrity security of his private database may get compromised by granting search access thousands of candidates!


So any such solution of Edit /update / upload directly by a candidate will have to be optional as far as the subscriber are concerned.


We may consider providing a button on guru main page next to extract button which reads


automatically forward extracted resume to concern candidates for editing updating uploading back into my private database as far as this batch is concerned.






NOTE                                                                                      One of these above boxes must be

          tracked for extraction process to start.                  

This Service is currently free

We should provide standard email box where following message will be appear in which can be edited by subscribers if so desired





Dear Sir / Madam


                                                      Edit Your Resume

Sometime back you had sent us your resume against one of the vacancies advertised by us.


using the service of recruitguru.com we have converted your plan email resume into a structured resume this will help us store it permanently in a database and be able to search retrieve it in future in matter of seconds.


It is however possible that some fails could not be extracted or weather data was missing in your resume.


if you want us to consider your application for the vacancy advertised as also to store it in our database in future reference we request you to add update your converted resume attached and then upload it track on recruitguru.com as follows


Step No 1

Step No 2

Step No 3


Please ensure that the career history section is filled in accurate accurately before uploading


With regards

(Subscriber client name)

(Subscriber client email ID)






By making this service free I want to encourage our subscriber to use it click yes all the time even through it will impose considerate load on our web server


Reason is simple


assuming that

all subscribers will use these free service and

all candidates fill edit and upload their resumes


This will enable us to capture data and plot following graphical profiles

salary profile

designation level profile

Tenure length of experience us profile


Once we have data for 50,000 candidates we will plot these graphs on our server dynamically and then sale each graph for rupees 10/- viewing and downloading committed


HR recruitment manners food simply love these graphs when they


Want to compare any particular candidate with entire population samples of graph to figure out

what salary to offer to him?

What designation to offer to him?

Is a job jumper or a steady person?


Want to compare any particular candidate with their own internal employees apple for apple comparison before making any salary designation offer so as not to upset the apple cart!


and when you take into account all the variables that we are capturing in recruit guru Viz

Function 42

designation level 10

education level 10

experience years 20 slots

Age 20 slots

City 200



It is possible to generate millions of unique combinations of graph as explained in my earlier notes.


I have absolutely no doubt what so ever that in course of next 12 months we will make 10 times more money out of these graph than from extraction and search!













                                                                         INBOX READER

Sanjeev – Abhi- Kartavya

Only 2/3 days back I sent to kartavya on news return from PC magazine an anti spam software which works on frequency of users of words in an email

It a human keep telling this software

·         A) This email is a spam

·         B) this email is not a spam

it keeps learning



the software simply keeps to telling up the words and compute their uses frequencies in each category A and B


Hence profitability of concurrence of any given word keep changing as the world population keeps growing in each population of good spam emails


this is a free software and abhi should download it for R&D now it you simply replace

not a spam = a resume email

spam = any other email


then get a manual segregation of both types of populations of emails which a think reena does on a daily basis then ask the software to process index words and compute their frequency of users both populations then very soon you will get the software to learn to recognise

not a spam = a resume email

spam = any other email



You have got readymade solution a free software 2 which has soon as it needs an incoming email each able to decide accuracy

whatever that email is a resume or not!


and what is more

this affect keeps learning with additional to each it incoming email



If you wish to learn how preciously these software works visit



That brings me to the small news item tested at the start of this note once again the researchers are falling lack on Theory of Volatility


Unique quotes frequency distribution curves to figure out

Good= please return by Shakespeare


Bad= please return by samooh nails puts being planned of as original Shakespearean!

These they are trying to do by simply trying to figure out the

                                         PATTERNS OF USES OF WORDS

In each of Shakespeare plays at a very crude level it is no more than computing

Priorities of uses of keywords in all these places written or claim to have been written by sex speare the entire population of plays

profile profitability of users of keyword in some smaller suspected sunsets subpopulation of plays

keyword used in a simple play


then compute Co efficient of correlation like a line of cost

the higher the coefficient the greater than profitability that a given play was truly genuinely returned by Shakespeare himself

on the other hand a low coefficient of correlation would indicate that the divergence is too much that is the highly unlikely to have been written by Shakespeare the pattern of users of words it as considerate variance more than 36 from the mean quite like an SQC control chart



Obviously these 2 reading could not have occurred due to change variations since they are failing outside the control limit so they are not a part of a pattern so these 2 players must have written by someone other than Shakespeare.


What if any is the significance of


Mean / Skewness

Standard deviations

upper control limit lower control limit

line of best fit

co-efficient of co-relation



to our business? Do all this have any practical use for us? Any specific competitive advantage that we can gain over our competitors such as monster naukri?


You YET!


our functions profile with it raw score percentile pollution sample size is a proof with these profiles suddenly a resume carries for more meaning compared to a plain email resume


The image builder with its function profiles make much more signs the profile offer jobseeker comes into much sharper focus it is no more diffused.


Now you do not need an experience trained HR professional to figure out what is the relative standing of this jobseeker in a long queue


yesterday we discussed how in future we will construct function profile according to designation level within a function to enable truly apple for apple comparison.


today when we construct function wise profiles sales marketing production exc all that we are doing it 2 separate out vegetable sales from fruits marketing and then trying to say mango it's better than apple and apple is better than banana.


when we will succeed in creating function profiles designation level wise we would have succeeded in separating mangoes from apples from bananas!


so this has to be a definite goal.


this will make more sense to a recruiter and he will be willing to pay a premium price for searcher feature and then we will do the same thing with

salary profile

designation level profile

tenure length of each job profile

education profile

age profile

Experience total year profile

actual designation profile


that brings me to the questions of duplicates resumes and duplicate profiles

initially when subscriber is trying to process extract 50,000 resumes lying on his PC I can understand that if we come across 2 identical regime same first name last name DOB we may delete one of these obviously the letter processed one as duplicate



if we guru mine come across such duplicate resume after a week or a month or a year


We must process extract it and replace the old image builder with the latest image builder under the same PEN


it is obvious wife mass replaced old image builder with the new latest image builder

even if the latest email resume of the same candidate it identical with the old one not a single word change when we reprocess it


roscover may remain same but percentile will most likely change because during the interviewing. A lot of resume relogin to same function got added changing the population sample size


so his function profile will be different even if keywords remain the same

and it is the new revised profile that gurumine should store and make available to both the supervisor subscriber during search and to the candidate during bounce back


Then there is a good probability that in the latest resume sum keyword have also changed

in that case both the rows go and percentile boot change man remains same

it is only through search ever changing profile sample size raw score percentile that we can claim that our software is self-learning in fact the most deterministic method of proving this self-learning software point is to ask the subscriber to process the same reason every week for 3 weeks in a row and C for himself a different function profile each time then he will have tire of taking Lord gurumine to his friends                                  13/11/03




            07/11/03 Friday






Earlier Ref- Flight Deck folder dt.29-09-03 containing user interfaces

                      My note dt. 07-10-03

                     Our meeting last week to discuss major/ minor improvement to guruMine / GuruSearch           + comman Features based on handwritten notes to abhi scorring / Ranking of priorities


Whenever I appreciate that the tech team was busy last week trying to solve the problem of micro there is an urgent need to prioritise balance pending work drawing up the last frame project plan based on researches available

password user reduce 266 companies will get sent today evening followed by email circular to some 10,000 placements agencies by end of next week as soon as registration has finished auto emailing of service several ID password

this means 66 companies will complete they are free trial period by 8 December

by the date recruit guru has to be ready at any cost to be able to

permit subscribers to tick / select transactions of their choice.

Enable subscribers to make online payment in case of credit cards payment category

make online interview check number DD number EC and check DD through Courier along with a print out of that page email of that page

to ensure that this happens by December 8th enclosed find my proposal plan for completion of various software developments along with some tentative dates given that December 8 deadline we have to work like words since we do not have the options for shifting that date

if required touch team must work over week ends to to strictly adhere to the targets mentioned in enclosed gantt chart while other are working on these you may prepare project plan for phase 3 VIZ

Recruitguru Flight Deck

Major/ Minor Improvements

Comon Features



       URJENT                                                                                     07/10/03








                                                     Subscriber & Recruitguru Consoles

Please refer to my notes dt.28/09 and 29/09 enclosing 14+14 screens UI

See enclosed chart & request you t fill in the Target Deployment dates on this chart for each screen and return a copy for my records by tomorrow.

Assuming that the free trial period of 30 days for 58 registration starts from next Monday Oct 13 then it is imperative that enclosed UIs are deployed latest by Nov 13.

Apart form these other urjent items for quick deployment are:

- Home Page Counter

- Speed & Accuracy Graph

- Feature for subscriber to bounce back extracted resumes (in batchmode) to candidates to edit & upload directly into respective PRIVATE databases

- Replacement of top part of image Builder with subscriber own Name/Logo.



Kartavya                                                                                                                                               28/09/03



CC: Nirmit



                                                                             FLIGHT DECK

enclosed find my proposal for

subscriber flight deck

recruit guru flight deck

neither the list nor the content of various UIs are comprehensive / final

As time goes we will need to add some more

even now you are welcome to add delete edit modify combine if you feel that search engines would make a subscriber’s life easy

making a subscriber live simple easy uncomplicated institutive is an important goal

but we have to make a beginning and present to make subscribers a few UI screens then ask their feedback in 6 months’ time we will have enough feedback to go back and improve.

In the meantime, we have next 28 days to design develop deploy enclosed 28 UI

We have to do this before the 30 days free trial period run out on the first batch of 58 companies who have registered

there are some UI which they will need immediately upon completion of free trial period I have marked this high priority to be taken up & completed fast

Similarly for us also there are some UI which are top priority since we want to capture the transaction users statistic during the free trial period from day one of launch then only we can know the price of promotion subscriber wise predict who we can produce to become a regular subscriber based on free dad read users workout the server load and fine tuning.

long before free that trial period gets over said by October 30 our payment gateway must become operational to accept credit card payment no well service can exist without this option

put at the same time we know that almost all the Indian companies would prefer to make payment through fake ID which they will send us through Courier I have forgotten to incorporate these instructions please do.

Even then a subscriber must enter these details online in subscription form even if Sanjeev is sitting in front of the client this is our only capturing screen to capture all types of payments.

but French check DDR received and drop deposited in recruit guru account in saraswat bank by ashutosh there has to be an offline backend reconciliation with what the subscriber has filled up online in the subscription payment form please involved mechanism with help Ashutosh

Remember some check will be not get couriered gate lost on the way gate rejected due to errors bounce fund not available

there must be a mechanism to stop the service in search cases unless we say we will not activate the service in the first place itself let's check is realised may be in we need to take such stand.

but in any case reconsideration mechanism is a most because one part of the process is online second part of the process is offline and human intervention becomes necessary.

I wish to repeat what I have repeatedly said in the past VIZ

despite a fantastic product and a huge waiting market and a fabulous marketing team and wonderful Technical Support company can end will go bust it if it does not have in place right from the leveraging n Adopt/ proof/ billing / accounting recovery mechanism

Pita of formation reconciliation between online return offline data when I woke up statements subscription received cash flow I may feel very happy that right from launch date till today between all subsets we're all subscriber put together I have received online payments amounting to ₹1,00,00,000 and 53,00,000


my recruit guru saraswat bank account passport passbook shows a commuting deposit or 5 93,00,000 only that would be a disaster remember whatever can 19 wrong will go wrong and anticipate and provide for every human facility so in the recruit guru admin console I would like you to deploy with help of ashutosh and unrecognised payment statement in which I should be able to look up all unrecognised payment every day along with all details including age bridge for which a particular payment is remaining un-reconciled.

By Puri duration for which outstanding rivers chronological

By magnitude of amount outstanding in descending order

obviously ₹5,00,000 outstanding for 5 days,

in For more information than ₹500 outstanding for 5 years now let us get cracking!!   28/09/03












Consider blessing following links on home page

Log in

How to subscribe

Flight Deck    This is to arouse curiosity of visitors to click & see


As Far as Subscribers Flight Deck is concerned it is essential that any casual visitor is able to click on any of those 14 Links and is able to see the TABLES / user Interfaces drawn by me. This alone can convince him why he should subscribe to Recruitguru what he will get to see will be BLANK tables without any data to appear absolutely genuine!


But when a regular subscriber clicks on any of these 14 links he would/should do so after entering user ID / password in LOG IN this will ensure that he will get to see each UI his own data already filled in.
























Follow  this Sequence



Free Trial

By filing this form you will get your

Customer No

User ID / Password

(Executive whose name appears on this form will be treated as ADMIN of your company


Tariff Table (Menu Card)

Gives you clear idea of all the transaction that you can conduct on recruitguru / which are FREE and which are PAID/ What are the Tariff for the PAID transaction etc.


Transaction Selection

Here you decided / record / instruct us as to which transaction you plan / intend to use so that we bill you for nothing else!


How Much to Remit

Explains what is meant by

-Activation fee -First time Payment

-User License Fee -Repeat Payment

-Transaction fee


Transaction Value Worksheet

Helps you to figure out how much money you thought to remit to RecruitGuru (whether you are remitting for the first time or wish to make a repeat payment) our software even forecasts your likely future usage based on your past usage patterns – no guessing blindly!


Subscription Payment Form

Having figured out this the amount you want to send fill in the details have so that we can ACTIVATE your account.


User Authorisation

If your Company wants more than one user (viz- ADMIN who is the executive whose name appears in FREE TRIAL form) to use RecruitGuru services and for all of whom you have remitted user license fee then you need to instruct us on this page
























Traiff Card


Transaction Selection


How much to Remit


Transaction Value Worksheet


Subscription Payment Form


User Authorisation


Transaction Usage (daily monthly)


Session Log History


User License Fee payment History


Transaction fee payment History


Transaction fee credit Balance


Transaction usage statistics


Break up of Resume Database


User Access Rights Customization

Dear Subscriber

Welcome aboard and take control

You are piloting this flight and this is your FLIGHT DECK

Using the control instruments listed alongside, you will be able to guide this flight, from take-off to a safe landing

The Web-Analytics presented in each of these instruments enable you to make informed & intelligent decisions. These help you make course -correction as your Recruitment Activity, suddenly picks-up (or even goes down) and you can make these corrections, instantly. At every point of time you knew

Where you have been in the past

Where you are been at present

Which direction you are headed

What you ought to be doing


And all along you are extremely Fuel Efficient Paying for only what you use & when you use! No upfront lumpsum subscription payment of Rs 2 Lakhs each to 3 jobsites irrespective of usage.

Whether you plan to recruit 20 person/yr or 2000 person/year whether you are recruiting one location or ten locations (around the world -too) whether you have 5 recruiting managers or 50 managers this FLIGHT DECK gives you fingertip control of your total recruitment process 24 hours X 365 days.














                                            SUBSCRIBER ADMIN CONSOLE                                            27-09-03


Statement No

Statement Name

Development Priority









Pay per User Tariff Table (Menu-Card)




Transaction selection Page




How much to Remit? Explanatory Note




Transaction Value worksheet (First/Repeat)




Subscription payment form (First/Repeat)




User Authorisation (add/delete/edit)




Transaction usage (daily monthly)




session log History




User License Fees Payment history




Transaction Fees Payment History




Transaction Fees Credit Balance



Transaction usage Statistic




Break up of my private Rename Database




Authorised users Access Rights Customisation







                                                                    RULES / REGULATIONS / TERMS

Several transactions are currently shown on free we reserve the rights to make these paid and charge you for using the same at anytime in future when we so decide you to get an email indication of the date from which this free transaction will become right as also the amount sum that you will be charged for use of these from the date indicated.

Of course in case you do not wish to use these transaction and get charge for saying you will need to go back to your transaction selection page and then click deactivate such transaction.

even otherwise you have absolute freedom choice to activate deactivate reactivate uses of impair per use narration at anytime through your own transactions selection page.

we reserve the right to increase decrease the paper use per transaction tariff for one more of the pay transaction shown only this page at any time in future search revisions will get displayed on this page and will apply to all potential new subscribers.

as far as our existing subscriber are concerned these revised rates will become effective for any additional repeat payment mode by them using.




                                                               SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT FORM

This policy insured that in case of an upward revision in tariff of any transaction your customer account will continue to be debited at the old lower rates as per as transaction fee already paid is concern of course this so means that you do not benefit in case any tariff is reduced revise downward!

but no matter which way is the revision upward and downward existing subscriber will be intimated through an email.

these also means that at any given point of time we will add most have only 2 concerned transaction fee payment

old one where credit balance has reduced to less than ₹5000 or 100/-

New one where Transaction deleting will start only after the old one stands reduce to Nil.

In other words there will be no deleting of 2 concurrent pavement at the same time old one has to stand reduced to zero before the new one clicks in.

from time to time we will also add totally new transactions which will add tremendous value to your recruitment process these may be paid or free.

We will announce these 2 email to all existing subscriber if they feel like making use of these they will be able to activate these transaction form transaction selection page

Of course, as soon as there are at dead some will get uploaded on this page so that potential subscribers can see the same.