Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 4 January 2024





Ø  Problem Statement

Ø  Solutions

Ø  Business Model/Revenue Model

Ø  Guru Mantra

Ø  Why Recruit Guru?

Ø  Why Pay-per-use?

Ø  Wy web Service?      (Abhi to find)



Ø  GuruMine

Ø  GuruSearch







Ø  Features of GuruMine

Ø  Interactive Response Page

Ø  News Reports/Human Capital/Jan 2004

How JAM works

Background Statistics


Background Statistics


Ø  India has over 100 million jobseekers- 44 million of whom are registered with some 945 Govt. Employment  Exchanges.

Ø  In 2003, employment exchanges could place only 1.5 lakh registered jobseekers

Ø  Some 2 million jobseekers are registering with the Employment Exchanges every year.

Ø  17.2% of those registered are graduates

Ø  Of India’s workforce, some 7 million are in the “Organised” Sector

Ø  Some 850, 000 professionals are working in the IT/ITES sector

Ø  Manpower requirement in  IT/ITES/BPO sector is growing at the rate of 30% per year and expected to reach 5 million by the year 2012

Ø  The  churn-rate in BPO sector ranges between 60% - 90% (Last year, Spectramind’s annualized churn-rate was 90%)

Ø  Some 3 million student graduate from Indian colleges each year, of which approximately 300,000 are engineering professionals

Ø  Some 630,000 companies are registered with Department of Company Affairs (DCA)

Ø  Churn-rate in IT Sector ranges between 15% - 25%

Ø  Company like Infosys last year received ONE MILLION emails resumes against their various job-advts! Processing such a huge volume of resumes , to short list a few thousand for interviewing to ultimately appoint 12000, is  getting to be a nightmare for Recruitment Managers everywhere.

Ø  Between April and December 2004, WIPRO made 40,000 employment offers!

Ø  In his budget speech, Mr. Chidambaram said

“IT sector by 2009, will

offer an additional 7 million jobs”.

Ø  Major Indian jobsites (Monster/Naukri/ JobAhead/Jobstreet etc.), between them claim to have resume database of 7/9 million professionals, Discounting duplicates, this could be 5/6 million

Ø  Major Indian jobsites, between them boast of

à  250,000 job postings database

à  10,000 NEW job postings DAILY (-although many are repeated day-after-day!)

à  15,000 corporate clients



Recruitment problem consists of:

à  Matching the RIGHT candidates with jobs which are RELEVANT to their skills/functional competence

à  Doing this ”match-making”, not only very fast (to shorten the recruitment cycle time to a matter of few days), but to do it.

§  accurately

§  automatically

§  reliable

§  consistently

à  Delivering the relevant job-alerts  Right candidates, as soon as vacancies arise (job-broadcasting in real time) and not passively wait for candidates to conduct “job-searches” on jobsites, to perhaps “chance-upon” a relevant job!


Any “Product/Service” that can carryout the above-mentioned tasks efficiently/electronically/automatically, would be in high demand and wholeheartedly embraced/adopted by both


§  Jobseekers

§  Recruiters




To solve the problems (listed under “Problem Statement), Recruit Guru (a sister concern of 3P Consultants) have come up with following solutions:


A.      RecruitGuru.Com  

An AI software hosted on this “webservice” (website), creates a structured database from millions of plain text resumes and renders these (resumes) “searchable”.


The software also automatically creates graphical “Functions Profiles” for each resume/candidates – something that no commercially available extraction software, is able to do!

GuruMine and GuruSearch are the main components of this “pay-per-use” webservice.


Ø  World-Wide-Jobs.com

A few jobsites do sent job-alerts to registered candidates, as  email.


However, these email alerts suffer from following “disadvantages”:

à  A jobseeker must find a PC and log onto internet, to be able to “access” these email alerts. Most candidates do not get access to their “private” email IDs from their offices and can access their email job-alerts only from home or from  a cybercafe – a great inconvenience.

à  A jobseeker must register with large no. of jobsites to receive email job-alerts, to ensure that he does not miss-out on interesting jobs. But then, all jobsites do NOT offer email job-alert feature!

à  From an email job-alert,  a candidate cannot “Apply  Online, so once again, he must log into all those jobsites, one-by-one!

à  Most jobsites match a job-advt against a candidate’s resume and thro-up “irrelevant” job-alerts. These jobsites have no mechanism to match jobs against a jobseeker’s “Preferences”.

à  Many job-alerts are against “old/obsolete/stale” jobs, which are already filled-up longtime back! So jobseeker’s time/effort are wasted.


World-Wide-Jobs.com over comes all these limitations/disadvantages and delivers to a candidate.

à  Relevant job-alerts/(matched with his job preferences)

à  Fresh job-alerts/(against job-advts posted on jobsites during last 24 hours)

à  Many job alerts/(by aggregating job advts from many jobsites)

à  Fast job alerts/(within hours of posting)

à  Convenient job alerts/(by delivering as SMS on their mobile phones, wherever candidate happens to be)

à  Facility to “Apply Online”(directly from his mobile-phone, with a single “send” click)







RecruitGuru proposes to adopt following business model:


A.      Corporates and Jobsites

Recruit Guru will make available to corporates (end-employers), Placement Agencies (middlemen) and to Jobsites, Its GuruMine/GuruSearch software/applications through a licensing agreement.


These software/applications will be installed on the local servers of the “Licensees”


For use of these softwares/applications, licensees will pay to RecruitGuru (the licensor) a certain amount for each resume processed/extracted using GuruMine, subject to a minimum monthly charge. One-a-month, each licensee will upload onto RecruitGuru’s webserver, the “Counter-Statistics”, of the no. of resumes processed during the month, based on which Recruitguru will invoice (bill the concerned licensee.


This arrangement, being a “Pay-per-use” and “Pay-when-use”, is ideally suited for small/medium enterprises, which are most reluctant to make a heavy upfront investment (often running into lakhs of rupees), for a software application whose utility/usefulness/benefits are vague and unknown at the time of purchase.


Since, in our case, there is no upfront payment for these softwares (except for a small installation / activation charge), the licensee’s RISK is absolutely minimum. He pays only if he uses these softwares. And he is certainly not going to use these, unless he see/feels clear benefits in using!


Again, a licensee only pay for extraction (i.e. GuruMine) of each resume.


A licensee gets to use GuruSearch (search software) absolutely FREE!  So, even if he stops using GuruMine, he still gets to use GuruSeach, absolutely FREE.


Every time RecruitGuru, introduces,  a new version of GuruMine/GuruSearch, it will intimate the licensee, who can then download the latest version from RecruitGuru.com, upon payment of a nominal “UPGRADE’ charge.


Since, a licensee’s resume database, resides on his own local server,  he has no worry/ fear of unauthorised “access” from a third party. He can install his own Data Security measures. This will vastly increase the acceptance-level of GuruMine/GuruSearch amongst the licensees.


Once again, by making our revenue model “pay-er-use”, at a very nominal charge 9per resume extracted), - and by not having any upfront fee/charge – we plan to increase its acceptance amongst a large number of small/medium size companies, whose daily processing may be 100/150 resumes. Even they would find it very economical to install/use GuruMine/GuruSearch.


We believe, GuruMine/GuruSearch will be of considerable importance to Placement Agencies  and Jobsites, who are constantly on look-out for better ways to satisfy their corporate clients.


In relation to Placement Agencies and Jobsites, which deliver to their Corporate Clients, plain text/unstructured/unsearchable resumes, those placement agencies/jobsites which deliver



Version of resumes to their clients, would gain a distinct “Competitive Advantage”. By delivering “ImageBuilder” resumes, they would be


à  Vastly reducing their client’s recruitment cycle and cost.

à  Increasing the productivity and performance of the HR department

à  Increasing the “throughput”

à  Improving the “decision-making”

à  Enhancing the “quality” of appointments.


Such a “Value-Added-Service” on the part of Placement Agencies and Jobsites, would be greatly appreciated by their corporate clients, which, in turn, would  bring for them, more clients and more revenue.





B.      Jobseekers

RecruitGuru’s  vehicle for service millions of jobseekers is


World-Wide-Jobs.com (WWJ)


Through WWJ, RecruitGuru plans to deliver latest/relevant job-alerts to jobseekers, as SMS on their mobiles.


Not only that, WWJ will enable a jobseeker to “Apply Online” against any such SMS, directly from his mobile and from wherever he happens to be,  WITHOUT NEEDING A PC/INTERNET!


Text Box: Supply-Chain



-          WWJ is downloading thousands of job-advts everyday (only those posted during last 24 hours) from dozens of jobsites.


By “aggregating” job-advts.  From dozens of jobsites, WWJ has neatly solved its “Supply-Chain” logistics and completely automated the process.


In long term, WWJ will enter into “Strategic Alliances” with major jobsites, under a UNIQUE, database exchange program.





à  For delivering job-alerts to candidates WWJ is in the process of tieing-up with all the mobile service providers (MSP) of India. The job-alerts SMS will get delivered through MSPs, who will charge their subscribers, for  MO (mobile-originated) as well as MT (mobile-terminated) SMS.


à  MSP’s will share their revenue with WWJ


à  Since MSPare keeping for themselves, a major share of the JAM SMS revenue, they will, on their own, carryout, all marketing/selling/promotional activities. WWJ will not be required to spend anything on these activities.


à  MSP will also take care of all accounting/billing/payment collection activities for this Value-Added-Service o their mobile subscribers. This means WWJ will not be burdened by these and will not need to spend any effort/money  on these activities.


 In course of time, we plan to  extend WWJ/JAM activity to other English-speaking countries, such as USA/UK/Canada/Australia  etc., by tieing-up with the mobile service providers of those countries.


At present, India has a mobile subscriber base of 50 million. By end of 2007, this figure is expected to cross 200 million.


It is also very clear that, in the next 5 years, a smart mobile phone, will be very common and will become THE DEVICE OF CHOICE for a consumer for conducting all of his e-commerce transactions. Mobile phone will make deep inroads into “Comparison Shopping” for not only goods but also for services.


For a jobseeker, SMS job-alerts are a kind of “Comparison Shopping” and the ultimate convenience to be able to “apply online” from one’s mobile, is bound to make the traditional job searches (on dozens of jobsites) DEAD!


For millions of jobseekers,  WWJ/JAM will become their







Based on the keywords present in a candidate’s resume, our AI software


Ø  Determines the “function/Industry “of the that person (primary/secondary/tertiary)

-        A person has may skills -some not so apparent)

Ø  Assigns the “Raw Score” [a standalone attribute] in each case

Ø  Computes the “Percentile Score” [candida’s “relative standing” amongst Co-Professionals]

Ø  Charts the “Frequency Distribution Curve” of the Raw Scores [of Co-Professionals) for each function

Ø  Calculates and displays, values for mean (weighted average score/standard Deviation


Approx. 68% of the Co-Professional’s raw-score, lie between + I sigma and -1 sigma (standard deviation) of the Mean


Time-pressed HR managers, would want to go through the rest of  the Profile, only in those cases where “My Standing” (a Candidate’s Raw Score) is better than +1 sigma. Interpreting Profiles, save them a lot of time/wasted effort, by zeroing onto the most competent candidates, inmate of seconds. They can, even interview the candidate by entering this Candidate’s Permanent Executive Number (PEN), into our page IIT Interactives Interview Tool).



As more and more resumes get added into our database, your Profile keeps changing dynamically [raw score/percentile/mean/standard deviation/No-of-Co-Professionals]. Get your friends/colleagues to register; then compare/contrast your profiles.

Comeback and download your Profile every month and re-discover your “Standing” amongst your friends.












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