INDEX | |||||
File Name-ARDIS-ARGIS/Scope of Work for Development of Software by Felynx (59) A | |||||
Sr. No | Date of Notes | Title/Subject | Addresses to Whom | File No |
1 | 4-11-1998 | History of ARDIS Software Devl.Project | 59 |
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7-3-1998 | ARDIS-ARGIS Context Cartridge |
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Features of ARDIS-ARGIS |
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2 | 4-7-2003 | Scope of Work | 59 |
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3-3-1997 | Definitions |
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Scope of Work |
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( Newspaper Article)
Sr No | Document | Date | Content |
1 | Letter from FELYNX ( signed by Yogesh) | 9-1-97 | -Quotation(Rs 3.5 L) - 6 month implementation |
2 | Letter from Felynx( signed by Yogesh) | 4-3-97 | -Quotation(Rs 5.5 L) Implementation Phase1….2/3mnths Phase 2 …2/3mnths Phase3….2 mnths Phase 4….3mnths Phase 5….1-2mnths Min-> 10mnths Max 13mnths(By apr 98) |
3 | Handwritten by HCP “ contract for development of ARDIS/ARGIS software” ( Given to Yogesh) | 3-3-97 | Contract |
4 | Handwritten note by HCP given to Yogesh “ DEFINITIONS” | 3-3-97 | Definitions |
5 | Handwritten note by HCP given to Cyril/Hugh/ Yogesh “ DEFINITIONS” | 18-3-97 | Scope of Work |
6 | Handwritten note by HCP addressed to Cyril/ Yogesh | 29-11-97 | -Elaborations -proposed revised time frame for completion Phase1….End Dec 97 Phase 2 … End Jan 98 Phase3…. End Feb 98 Phase 4…. End Apr 98 Phase 5…. End May 98 |
7 | Typed Letter from HCP to Felynx(Yogesh) | 9-12-97 | Revised Time fram as agreed upon by Yogesh in meeting dated 02-12-97 Phase1….End Feb 98 Phase 2 … End May 98 Phase3…. End July 98 Phase 4…. End Sept 98 Phase 5…. End Nov 98 |
8 | Handwritten note from HCP to Cyril/ Yogesh | 7-3-98 | Must complete ARDIS by Nov 98 |
Remove Common Nouns/Verb/Adverb/propositions |
Papers/Publications/Patents/Memberships |
EG · Names of persons · Birth date · Age · Salary · Joining Date/Leaving Date · Job Responsibility · Phone No · Address · Name of Boss · Name of Ref · Skills · Documents |
Matchmaker |
Next phase of refiner |
Educatortor |
Extractor |
Design. Splitter |
· Attitudes · Attributes |
· Products · Raw Mat · Standards · Eqpt/M/C · Mfg. Processes · Languages · Mgmt Techniques |
· Designations · Functions · Industries · Company Names · Colleges/Uni · Degree Diploma |
Converted Bio Data |
Searchable Database Ready for loading onto Internet Extra Net LAN |
Matching of filtered words with a knowledge base( created thru TELL ME & found in our existing databases)-SIMPLE COMPARE/MATCH/TRANSFER to fields REFINER
To speed up ARDIS, I suggest we adopt this 3 stage process, where neural net processing is drastically reduced to only a few concepts as show.
Regards. 16.3.98
Cyril – Yogesh
It is One year since (4-3-1997)… we started on this project
According to original time-frame, we should have fully implemented this project in the Current month (Phase 5 was to get Lover March 1998).
We last reviewed this project some 3 months ago and drew-up a revised TIME-FRAME for its implementation According to this revised time-frame, We should have Completed Phase I (Detailed Analysis & System Design. Submit System Design Document) by End Feb. 1998.
Revised date for completion of Phase 5. NOV 1998.
Then About 2 months back, (early Jan 98{5yrs ago} We Came across (Context Cartridge)
We felt, it has features which, if properly / fully exploited, could Cutdown total time-frame for developing and implementing of ARDIS /ARAIS. So we placed order for Oracle 8.03 on 4-1-98 and it was delivered on 6-2-98
during the past One month, Alpha/ Hexaware / Oracle India have not been able to give even a demo of this software!
Although I will keep following up. We cannot should not expect expect anything to come out pof these efforts.
if we still feel Context features are worth exploiting and if properly exploited, it Certainly will speed up the development of ARDIS
the only alternative before us is to forget any help from Alpha- Hexaware- Oracle India is
launch our own VIGOROUS R&D!
On one thing we should not go back at any Cost Viz:
Context or no Context,
ARDIS must be Implemented by Nov. 98. Your reputation – my survival depends upon that.
Nothing – but nothing should interfere with this Target. Certainly not the Software maintenance contract.
It is not for me to suggest, how you should proceed In this matter. That is for you to decide. But
I Can
· Make myself available anytime.
· Make our office resources available.
Our single point. Agenda is,
We are about to realise this dream soon after a delay of 5yrs
Thru ARDIS we wish to get rid of manual data-entry as the means of database creation
December 9, 1997
5. Ramyajeevan,
Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri (East).
Mumbai 400 093
My Dear Yogesh
Development of ARDIS / ARGIS
This has reference to our meeting on 2/12/97 when Nirmit/ myself discussed with you / Cyril the revised Time-Frame for this project. This was agreed upon as shown in enclosed chart.
You are aware that this project was assigned to you in Mar 97 and was to be completed by March 1998. Considering the delay that has already taken place, please ensure that the revised time frame is strictly adhered to. I would be very happy if it could be improved upon.
It would he highly desirable if you could review with me progress of this project, at least once a fortnight.
With regards,
Principal Consultant
P.S. It was agreed that ARDIS/ARGIS will cater to biodatas only
(in all forms)
Yogesh /cyril
Saturday 29-11-97
I enclose Some notes Which could form the basis for our discussions on Tuesday next. This should help you To mobilize necessary “resources” and prepare detailed ACTIVITY- SCHEDULES (separately for each phase) which We Can jointly monitor every Saturday morning.
Your detailed schedule may have to be day-by-day” wise and each of your “staff-member” wise So that The revised time-frame Can strictly be adhered to.
· Texts
A-Printed Typed documents.
B Electronic Documents
Examples of Texts
A-Printed Documents
o Bio-datas (Typed)
o Job Advt
o Magazine / Newspaper Articles
o Directories (Kothari| IRIS etc).
o ‘’(CA /CS Membership)
o Bulletins ( Bapuji Impex / Domex).
Electronic Documents
o Databases
o Bio-datas received over Internet /Extranet
o E: Mails
o Bio-datas received on Floppies
Electronic storage media |
o Files on Hard-Disks
o Files on Tapes
o voice / speech converted to text (thru Speech-recognition software)
o Scanning of document (in a “scanner”, if printed /typed document)
o Electronic Scanning
o (if in electronic-file format)
o OCR (for printed / typed document)
o spell-check / Automatic spelling Correction
o Search (identify / pick-up “KEYWORDS” from each document / file
o Give each document a unique “number” ( this will be PEN for resumes / Advertisement nos etc)
o Link key words with document
o Assign (meaning to each keyword (based on Context.)
o Store each Keyword in relevant Meaning – bins / fields” to create a database
o For each keyword, create directory. Of “Synonyms & Antonyms”
o Create and continuously up-date “tables” re: frequency-of-Usage of each keyword.
o Create and continuously up-date “tables” re:frequency-of-Usage of all Words (not only keywords) used before & after” each keyword to Create CONTEXT PROBABILITY for each keyword
o Repeat above process for all the “Phrases” and “Sentences” in Which a given KEYWORD has been used to establish “CONTEXT” PROBABILITY” of phases / Sentences.
o If a Keyword has been used in a phrase / Sentence having a Very Low ‘’Context Probability’’ then replace that phrase sentence by a phrase sentence of the highest context probability”.
o Databases of
Ø Keywords.
Ø Synonyms
Ø Antonyms
Ø Bins/Fields
Ø Phrases/Sentences
Ø “Frequency of Usage” tables.
Ø Convert Bio-datas (Full).
Ø Brief bio-datas (brief outline)
Ø One-line tabulations.
Ø Standard Letters Responses
Ø Short-lists of Suitable executives
‘’what’’ needs to be included in the ‘’Scope of work" :
Ø Besides "typed" biodatas / resumes the software shall also take care of
· all other typed /printed documents as shown on "chart (dt 5-3-1997)
· all "electronic documents.
Ø PEN will be automatically /serially allotted to biodatas. In similar. fashion, some other unique number must be automatically allotted to other documents/files.
Ø Search-engine shall allow a "text-based" query without having to "codify" any key-word / field. The query Shall use plain english language words/phrases/sentences with " and/or" and "exclude" options."
Ø Software shall automatically create ‘’Reference-files" of all "variations" in which persons Write/ type /speak a keyword. Software shall treat all such "variations" as "synonyms" and conduct Search on all "Synonyms
Other Notes/Points
Ø Since we have already decided to change-over to
operating System → Windows NT →
The software/search engine to be developed shall work on these. It shall, however, be capable of being posted to other improved Os/RDBMS.
Ø Since FELYNX quotations includes the Cost of TOOLS / COMPILERS” (approx. Costing of Rs. 2.0 Lakhs), 3P will not be required to Incur any cost on these.
Ø Accuracy of Performance.
80% accuracy→End of Phase 3 (ie installation of alpha Version)
90% accuracy → End of Phase 4 (ice. Deployment & debugging)
98% accuracy→ within 12 months of Installation of alpha version
Without any “hiccups”, the software shall Seamlessly integrate with
Ø Speech Recognition Softwares (including Voice-mail and IVRS -Interactive Voice Response systems. Available in the market)
Ø Other Modules Business Application Software that we may ask develop in course of time.
-Order Execution Module.
-Finance / Accounts / Billing Module.
Ø Other standard “Bought-Out” software packages
The Software shall automatically encrypt databases generated by it so that no one can benefit by pilfering it
Since the Software will reside on a client-server network (Intranet/ Extranet / Internet), the software must incorporate a fool proof FIREWALL protection against infiltration | virus attack.
Phase 1……………………………………….End Dec. 1997
of a detailed System
Design Document
Phase 2…………………. End Jan 1998
Detailed coding.
Phase 3 ………………….End Feb 1998
Install alpha Version
Phase 4. ………………….. End April 1998
Install Beta Version
Phase 5…………………….. End. May 1998 training
Complete documentation & training
scope of work is schematically described in the enclosed diagram. The basic inputs are TEXTS of Various types.
The printed texts will be scanned and subjected to an OCR Software to Convert into Ascii files.
Then, there will be texts received ELECTRONICALLY. Such as
E: Mails
Computer files (Dial-Up /Internet/Intranet)
In both the cases, the software will Search, identify and pick-out KEYWORDS and place them in appropriate BINS / FIELDS, based on the “meaning” of each keyword. In this way, the Software will Create a database (or several databases). This Basic process will remain Same irrespective of the type/Size / structure format of the document being scanned (whether printed or electronically received document.).
Of course all the keywords,picked-out From a given document will be linked to that document (identified as belonging to that particular document).
Having Created a DATABASE should, it be Capable QUERRIED, by using any of the KEYWORDS (one or more AND/OR fashion). of the in the, For each keyword “SYNONYM RINGS” WILL have to be created.
The search will produce a short- of all the records (documents)where such a designated /specified KEYWORD appears. We should be able to view all Such records on the Screen (one by one) or be able take print-outs.
By using a Computer-memorised STANDARD-LETTER,we should be able a to Send-out the short-list to a given client.
Besides responding to a QUERRY from one of our own LAN Nodes, the Software must permit a client to shoot such a query from his own office computer by remotely logging-on to our server thru a dial-up Modem or thru Internet Connection. This feature (of remote query) is absolutely essential.
Of course, we must provide for a password within a Password within a password (!) to ensure data-security.
Of Course what part of the 2 database each user Will be allowed To access (locally or remotely) will Be Strictly defined in advance and rigidly administered. The users are
· Self
· Associates (eg Mankodi/ Gangolli etc)
· Candidates
· Clients
· Foster Partner Member and may be
· anyone from Public.
What is expected of the Software REMOTE ACCESS CAPABILITY and that should be built into the Software RIGHT NOW.
Which user will be allowed to remote access
What Databases And shoot
What type of queries and
When( point of time).
Will be be spread-out next 2/3 years.
However, we Want in the first phase itself,
We Want Candidate to enter and modify.
Their own biodatas remotely. (This Is the ONLY WAY, we can hope to build-up a
o Large Candidate database
o Quickly
o Without hiring an army of data-entry operators or persons. To Scan typed biodatas.
Candidates to be able to shoot JOB BULETIN BOARD. This is The MOST POWERFUL VALUE ADDED SERVICE (VAS) as far as employment / change – seeking executives is Concerned. This VAS will be Available only to those executives who register /enroll with us by
· remotely entering their biodatas
· sending biodatas on floppies.
Once again, the idea is
To transfer the data-entry burden onto the Candidate himself.
Clients to be able to shoot Executive Search Queries remotely ( from their own. Computers) exactly the way We would have done locally. The Software will Search andTell the client (or potential client)
How many Suitable Candidates we have in our database?- a number.
Nothing more!
But this is a Great way of HOOKING him!
If his need is really SERIOUS,
He would, next day, Send a cheque (advance) along with Search Request!
Considering that it would
Cost him to over a lakh of rupees to advertise that vacancy
take him 8 weeks to get response,
the bait of REMOTE ACCESS / IMMEDIATE ACCESS / CHEAP ACCESS is Simply irresistible!
This is an IMPORTANT aspect Cost-Benefit analysis of the software to be developed.
The rest of the REMOTE ACCESS applications Years Can wait for 2/3 years as each database gets built up by Scanning thousands of pages of other documents, some of which are enclosed herewith.
The enclosed note email is 5 years old 23rd April 1994
at that time Internet was beyond horizon so it is not surprising that in the enclosed note I have talked about the concept of a help desk with a several technical and commercial support staff taking order over telephone answering queries
the concept of client placing order through Internet tracking or monitoring progress of his order on our website simply did not exist
undo helpdesk do exit even on website it is only a matter of a time before they've become absolute.
more and more companies are losing Internet their website as a centre piece or anchor around which all their business process are centered the current scenario is somewhat life Internet business process or supply train vendors.
but I feel for a most companies at least in USA Europe or Japan the barriers would fall and their be a single interface for employees or suppliers or customers that single interface would be a company's website.
these has already happened with a few large American companies examples of these could be found in a following box first web page is that a suck second webnode mix 3rd business at speed of though Bill Gates with sajida 4th direct from den I'm still reading.
if we had implemented helpdesk 5 years ago that would have been fine it might have even help our staff to get rows to doing business our business over telephone
but having waited I feel it would be wise to simply bypass that stage of evolution altogether and strategic away jump to the concept of fully interactive single interface website
we may still develop our order execution system module 2 around over Internet and thoroughly test it out before merging with the Internet.
This will help us to debunk over internal business process before exposing these process to the public at large because if these process do not perform 100% correctly accurately on our website it might get adverse reaction event ridicule and clients may never return
example what is happening to our membership services editor auto job sort or job mail robot for the last 8 months but our goal has to be clear right now and that is merger of Internet with Internet assuming that implementation of module text months may and June
development of a module 2 order execution covering features in the enclosed notes Tech 3 months may and June and July
testing of a model to text 2 months August and September
development of new website ntbs text 2 months October and November
merger of model 2 into new anti based website text 3 months December and January and February 2000
we are talking of a project time frame of 12 months if we manage these schedule and do you see any reason why we cannot at the end of this 12 months. We should be ahead of all Indian job sites and most of the world drop website
by March 2000 I also expect that in India Internet subscriber base old have grown subset subsequently
many ISP s vote be operational
Internet over cable would have become a reality in cable city cable and Delhi party which expect to launch this by June 99 if this happened million of home TVs will be able to access Internet hinduja alone have 2.3 million cable TV connections in 12 cities
hundreds of cyber cafes would have come up
Internet connection charges would have drawn drastically each letter commer ISP would have to drop prices to be able to enter the free dictionary offering ₹1.8 per hour in Pune and Chennai
e commerce would have become a little easier
in the books mentioned earlier I have underline mark out sentence Paris pages which I owe it with you to read before you start working on module 2
Unless we have the grand picture in front of us we would end up on the periphery
I subscribe to Jack will chase business philosophy with if in any business you cannot be other one or 2 get out of it
to implement this project I'm ready to commit required funds or my own time or therapies organizational support
I am sending this note to you with a request to commit your own personal time or attention or dedicated team of professionals or time frame with bonus penalty process
How soon?
Analysis of pending assignments
In terms of number of position and establish value of professional fees which are our important client
obviously more important clients need more improvement variant interaction more frequent return feedback position statement
consultant Wiz
Nirmit / thakur/ Michelle/ Shankar
How much workload does each consultant have at any given point of time
this analysis can be extended to the revenue estimated professional fees that each consultant is handling apart from the number of vacancies that he is handling
Scott help us to decide to provide temporary help or assistance to a particular consultant in a case of overload
to shift some of the assignment to another consultant who might be under loaded
to high your additional consultant in case of situation of permanent continuous overload
to even out workload on different consultant
Age Wise chronology
April 98 - we aim to executive assignment within 2 months
May 98 oppressive flatter on even faster once order execution model software gets installed
June 98 such time and age month end we must manually compile their statement
July 98 so that we may conclude based on fact and not on launches or case that
August 98 need to put in extra efforts and clear very old backlog
September 98 we need to add more consultant permanent or temporary
October 98 2 months and therefore we need to stay out our marketing effort s
Assume will receive our profile professional fees within 30 days of the executive joining duty this chart will help us in determining our cash inflow monthly or quarterly or annual analysis like this will tell us in which functional area though we need to built up and inventory of executives
Dear son interview feedback we had arranged some executive to meet you for the position
We would appreciate receiving your feedback and request you to filling the enclosed sheet and send us the photocopy while retaining the original for your records
if you want as to contact with duties who did not attend or organise final interviews or follow up with shortlisted candidates or Saint Louis anymore details resumes
please feel free to phone under sign
Status report or feedback
we had recently arranged some interviews for your organization so we do not seem to have received any feedback on the outcome and would highly appreciate if you will in the feedback details and return to us a photocopy of the enclosed sheet
ideally the enclosed screen should be accessible to a client biology into our extranet and we should be able to enter his feedback directly or online for hours and for him to see at any time of course there has to be proper access control through password
Saint row letters to desired ABC r candidate mentioning date or venue or reimbursement or position or address and candidate anola and label printing
regret letter store interview or rejected candidate
one line segment of all LBC are candidate in short all applicants
floppy and above katalog also
printout of executive called for interviews
preparation of advertised draft
release of advertising media
Recipe of application
Brilliant appropriate box files
creating applications
Entering multiple data position
Function marketing technical administration system finance and accounts
trippy reading a BCD isliye
interview assessment Mumbai
3P system design
client Janam kundali
A client companies name
we should say schemes which will us
Addresses phone number fax number senior executive names residential phone number of senior executives
Business related data
All biodata sent till date
All online statement sent till date
All candidates interviews super with remarks shortlist HTC data missile linear softwares made
all executives appointed through hours and their date of joining in client company
Belonging to client company who have registered with ishwar not send their Vedas to the client all purchased the order say really each individual purchase order restraining order placed on behalf of all letters return to client correspondence file or letters received from client whether therapy club members and if so all membership related information.
Accounts related screen
commitment charges received adjusted balance purchase order wise or after total
all invoices raise and check received it to receive check number mount date and details
all credit note debit note detail
invoices of our advertise agency amount wise balance wise check wise
This information will be very useful if ever have a system under which each one of our own marketing manager is exclusive working for a set of clients this will help us judge the managers performance.
3P system design
order execution model
given purchase order number
we should find
status on progress report
biodata sent
online treatment sent
interviews arranged all person interviewed
interview feedback
persons appointment join
expenses incurred - on our own
- on clients behalf
Production control system
purchase order register esr register
serial number wise and therefore did wise chronologically file of all purchase orders giving bare and minimum details of purchase order number and date unclaimed company and position and more or advanced expected or not expected kind request formal or informal
by 200 out of a specific purchase order number we should get food status or details reply that purchase order
Order execution summary
This statement can be broken up into 2 separate statements as follows completed order statement
pending order statement
Last column status out disappear in its place will come a column for invoice number amount date check number and cumulative invoice value cumulative payment value last column play spy cumulative invoice value which is the same as cumulative order belonging value
Purchase order system
purchase order details
offer terms and details
advanced details
invoice advance adjustment details
order execution details
search list details
biodata send details
Interview call letter sent details
person attended
confirmation receipt
person shortlisted by from interview
person finally interviewed
appointed person
issue up appointment letter sent to 3P
Order execution activities can also be divided as
executive search related activities –
job description
male specification
search parameters
bio datas
computer realization
administrative record keeping statistical activities –
send shortlist biodata
call letters
interview schedule
confirmation s
order acceptance
order delivered
order closed
transfer to certificates module
accounting activities –
Advantage Adjustment
Progress Payment
PP adjustment
25% Payment
75% Payment
Order Execution System
In the enclosed charts I have shown the floor information odds screen of information taking place.
Each Stream like a thread.
We must visualise 100 threads which gets hopeless by entwined and if all 100 are same colour black and white imagine trying to untangle them on nearly impossible task.
It would be a Gordian Knot but in a business situation you cannot take a shot cut it and move ahead.
but if each of the 100th threads was of a different colour there can be somehow even then it would take a long time to on travel Saints shades court definitely similar.
but if it was not only of a different shades but all the threats and laid down parallel to each other then the task to trade dress either on the tour ends become quite simple.
our job is to advise system that is so simple that we can catch the threat at any point of time or length and trace the entire length within minutes.
what is required to give or assign a unique number 2 each client or each candidate or each purchase order r esr .
As far as candidate are concerned we have already decided that each would have a unique serial number which is unconnected with the company code number so that part or requirement will be taken care of.
now come to the client or company code number.
today we have provided certain blogs of numbers within each industry to get the totalling above 10,000.
this is against CMI e list of 2300 companies from other database have 3000 listed companies but are clients would be a small partnership firm man man not figure in our master code or companies there are 10s of 1000 such companies.
therefore I suggest we assign a unique serial number as purchase order number.
to each incoming request or order as soon as one is received.
I think there's provision perhaps already exists.
what is required is to implement the same as soon as revised H3 P system is installed
but in the meantime we should prepare a manual register a list in which we should compile all pending order details.
this is because not every client has filled in and ESR. somehow describe their requirement in a letter or even phone some have sent to tabulation covering 5 or 6 vacancies.
we should treat each vacancy as a separate distinct purchase order. because we are getting advance for each vacancy and raising invoice for person appointed.
of course I will may okay but if this is the right thing to do in case example will you or finolex orders 100 of sweaters or 20 plant operators which are identical.
there may be no advantage in creating 10 or 20 purchase order numbers we will increase a lot of work by duplication.
each purchase order must be immediately acknowledged on standard letter could be advised unclaimed should be requested to use the purchase order number assigned in all future correspondence for Q reference or response.
hi force a note to distant time when certain privileged clients who give minimum so much business to us every year may be allowed to access server order execution module.
using modern password of client purchase order number and be able to find out the order execution status
on their own
at any time
without intermittency of 3 personal we should try to make these part of our system transfer to the clients.
2 begin with we should make transparent to our sleeves.
Bill gates Michael Dell advocate in their book published in 1999.
20 |
20 |
Name/PEN | Surname First Name Day Month Year City Pin |
Birth Date | |
Location |
Diploma-Degree | Year | College University |
Company/Industry: |
Designation: |
Working Since: |
CITY:……………………….. PIN:………………………. |
STD:………………………… PHONE: RESI:…………………………. OFF:………………………….. |
20 |
# | Name of Employer | Joined | Left | Last Designation 20 |
| 30 |
| 30 |
| 30 |
| 30 |
| 30 |
| 30 |
| 30 |
250 |
30 |
170 |
During my years of experience, I Have
- worked in different FUNCTIONAL AREA
- Dealt with a number of PRODUCTS/SERVICES
- Acquired useful ATTITUDES & ATTRIBUTES
All of these developments have taken place gradually, simultaneously & continuously. Since it is not possible to link these with distinct time periods, I choose to list as under relevant KEY-WORDS:
Functions-Processes-Techniques-Systems-Procedures-Documents etc
1 | 7 |
2 | 8 |
3 | 9 |
4 | 10 |
5 | 11 |
6 | 12 |
1 | 7 |
2 | 8 |
3 | 9 |
4 | 10 |
5 | 11 |
6 | 12 |
1 | 7 |
2 | 8 |
3 | 9 |
4 | 10 |
5 | 11 |
6 | 12 |
1 | 7 |
2 | 8 |
3 | 9 |
4 | 10 |
5 | 11 |
6 | 12 |
Given to Yogesh 3-3-97
o Scope Of Work
o Inputs/outputs
o Platform (Hardware /software)
o Upgradability | Flexibility
o Integration
o Documentation.
o Secrecy | Exclusivity |ownership Rights
o Future Support
o Performance Guarantee
o Time Frame | Bench-marks
· Payment schedule.
o Bio-data (Typed or E-Mail or Faxed)
o Key-Words & FIELDS
o Converted BIodata
The Scope of This Project shall Comprise Development of a computer Software.
The Software Shall be Capable of reading typed biodatas/resumes Pick out All the KEYWORDS.
Having picked-out the KEYWORDS the Software shall assign each KEYWORD to a Specific FIELD (BIN) to which the keyword belongs. While doing so each Keyword and its field will be linked to the particular biodata ( Permanent Executive Number). In this way, the software shall create a DATABASE of Keywords which are particular
-linked to particular excutives. (PEN)
-linked to specific FIELDS.
This means developing a SEARCH ENGINE-FOR
each keyword
Searching out each keyword
Deciphering Each keyword and deciding what it “means” (to enable placing it in appropriate field).
The SEARCH ENGINE shall also be able to carry-out reverse- search.
Given one or which more KEYWORDS(under which to search), the search. engine list Should be able to identify/ all executives (PEN) against whose name these Keywords appear (ie. Existing in their bio datas)”
TASK #2 The second task of the software. Would be the a to recreate/ regenerate the Biodata (of any executive) in a specific format called CONVERTED BIODATA.
The Converted biodata would have the option of printing or not printing
Executive Name
Current Employer-name
And to be replaced by appropriate. Alternate CODES/descriptions.
In the development of this software, the following may be assumed:
a. Use of existing Scanner (HP-Model 3p) & scanning software.
b) Use of existing OCR Software.
Of course the software shall be capable of using
high capacity scanners
improved versions of OCR softwares.
DMP/Inkjet Laser printers & even line-printers.
- The basic input will be any typed bio-data.
In phase #2 we would like you to Consider any printed Advt (job-advt) also as an INPUT. This would be for the purpose of Creating a DATABASE of JOB BULETIN BOARD.
This is because the basic capability of the Search engine shall remain the same, irrespective of whether is working on
a biodata
This Basic ability is
-to Pick-out KEYWORDS
-to place them in appropriate FIELDS
-rearrange these in some formatted / tabular OUTPUT statement
-Subject them to be “Searched”given certain SEARCH PARAMETERS (which will be Keywords)
-Create a “listing” of Records Found”
As mentioned earlier the Desired outputs Are
- a database of keywords, deciphered & stored in appropriate FIELDS
-a Converted bio-data. OR
-Converted (tabulated) job advertisement
The software should be designed for a Pentium based server & 486 based Lan. Of course these will be upgraded in the course of time
You may use_________ language and create a database(RDBMS)____________
Please configure around_____________ operating system, with a provision to change over
To ____________ in course of time.
The software should be capable of seamless integration with our existing softwares which are as follows:
We are also planning to incorporate OS2/WARP 4(IBM) SPEECH recognition software in our LAN.
The software should be capable of thorough integration with this or any other improved voice recognition software.
After installation and debugging the software should be capable of correctly picking up (identifying) and deciphering(i.e to which field does the keyword belongs)
80% of the keywords appearing in each bio data/job advertisement
Within 6 months of the installation this figure should go up to 90% and within 12mnths upto 98%.
For Installing
The software shall be installed on our system within 6 mnths from the date of this agreement. The detailed time frame is shown at Annex:____________
For Debugging
The debugging shall be carried out within 2 months of the date of installation.
We are looking at a long- Term relationship with FELYNX. We Therefore expect that we will continue to receive full support from you in Future as for as
development of new modules of software
Maintenance of the software Being developed.
After installation and debugging, you will and over the SOURCECODE to us which will become our “Intellectual property.’’
You will, not sell this Software or part with it what-so-ever in any manner to any other person or organisation, at any time.
You will not share or pass-on to any other person or Organisation, any information given to you or collected by you relating to our business, including any of our future plans that you may come to know of.
The total charges payable to you for the development of this software would be Rs. 5,50,000/= (Rs. Five lakh and fifty thousand).
This total amount will be paid to you in instalments as per payment schedule (Annex:___-)enclosed.
Each (Payment) installment shall be made subject to satisfactory completion of software development activities which are planned to be completed by that point of time, as per TIME FRAME (Annex:_______)
According to Yogesh, if we wish this software to run on a client-server (LAN environment), then we will need to separately buy and install ORACLE RDBMS Software costing > Rs. 1 Lakh !
The software that they will develop cannot run on NOVEL 3.11!! This means our total Cost will be RS 5.5 +1.0=6.5 L Cyril had told us that in Rs.5.5L itself, there are about Rs. 2.0L worth of “Tools/compilers
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