Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday, 19 December 2005


        19 Dec 2005
       ADMIN _ TOOL
       Enclosed find write ups / U - I for

        (1) Employer (subscriber) Admin pages

        (2) Job seeker Prefer & Leave today, & will try to ready

        (3) Partner website Admin pages

        (4) Global Remitter


·        You may wish to add, on all displays droplist of 

·        All tabulations must be capable of being viewed (blank) by ANYBODY - Any Visitor. This is very important. Only when a person fills in user ID/ Password, his hand will fill - up the blank tables.

·        From your first job (after graduation) till you retire, you can track you entire "Career Progression" on this website, at one place. Obviously, it would be highly unproductive and tim - consuming to store bits - and -   piece of your career - growth on several websites.

·        When you register here and start using this website, you can review you

·        Job search History

·        Apply online History

·        This is just the beginning. In due course, you will also get to review your

·        Resume Polast History

·        Resume - courier History

·        Job Alert Mobile (JAM /JAB) History

·        Resume Edit History

·        You may login here or on respective History pages.

                User ID      Password           Submit

·        This is the only website, where you can expect to receive from the job - advertisers, some feedback acknowledgement.

·        If they don’t, their Advertiser Responsiveness Monitor (ARM) score will go down and the whole world will know ! And if you have not received any feedback, click on "Job code" and email your enquiry to concerned Advertiser (i.e.: I applied on ------ and I am still awaiting your feedback).

Whether you are the ultimate employer or a placement agency, as a subscriber of this Website, you would want to know.

·        What job - advts have I posted on this website and when?

·        How many times was each job - advt opened/ viewed?

·        Who / How many applied online against each of these - jobs?

·        How many - and whose - resumes did I download against each search?

·        Do you want us to maintain any other statistics? Adding of what other feathers will make your task easy? Do write.

·        You may login here or on respective History - page
                User Id              Password           Submit


·        As shown below, you Job Advt Posting History, is thru two tabulated displays, viz : SUMMARY & DETAILS.

To view the DETAILS, simply click on the "Job Code" in SUMMARY.

·        In Table 2 (DETAILS), you can click on a candidate's name, to see his full resume.

·        You may rate the resume (A = Excellent/ B = Good/ C = Fair / R = Reject) and your rating will show - up on the SUMMARY tabulation.

·        This is organised as follows.

·        Table 3 - Resume Downloaded summary - click on "Search No", will reveal.

·        Table 4 - Resume Downloaded details’ /clicking on "Candidate Name" will show full resume.
·        Once you "rate" any resume, rating will appear in Table 4.

    Amazon - type

   "Recommendation" System

   For Jobsekers

·        To recommend to jobseeker, what "search criteria" to select, during his "job search"

   For corroborates

·        To recommend to HR mgr. What "Search criteria" to select, during his next "resume - search".

·        This is fairly simple

·        Let us first take Jobseeker's case.

·        We have already decided to enable him to view his own

·        Job search History

·        Apply Online History

·        For conducting a jobsearch, he has to select, "Ind / Font / Design Level / City".

·        When he applies online, he is applying against a specific Job Advt.

·        Once again, while posting a job, a HR manager has got to select

        "Ind - Font - Design. Level - city"

·        In any case, for Job search History & Apply online History, we have to Capture / Store Some fields.

Let us also store fields for

        "Ind - Font - Design. Level - City"

·        Everything/ each time, a jobseeker conducts a jobsearch or Applies online against an advt.

·        This is Capturing /aggregating should be ongoing/ dynamic process.

·        After a while, we would get to see tabulation like follows.

·        This tabulation is strictly for our own

Viewing (not even by partner websites). In fact, even we would not want to see it!

But, now we know the probabilities, with which, he is likely to select

        Industry               =    Pharma      0.64
        Function               =    Sales         0.72
        Design. Level     =      GM            0.68
        city                   =      Mumbai      0.58

        During his next job - search

·        As soon as he logs in for "Job search", the search - box will get CUSTOMIZED & get displayed, as follows.

·        For the Jobseeker Concerned, this will appear amazing! This is "personalization / customization" at least.

·        Now the Jobseeker knows WE CARE, we are here to make his life easy.

·        This is exactly what Amazon does - and it is NOT rocket - science.

·        It is a good thing for us that, as of now, no other Jobsite does it.

·        If we do this, it will set us apart differentiate us. And unless we differentiate, we cannot attract (would be) partners.

·        They (would be partners) need such features to divot jobseekers & corporate from Monster/ Naukri.

·        We can similarly, "Recommend" Ind / Font/ Desig. level/ cities etc. to a HR manager based on his past  "Resume search" History.

·        In Resume search U/I, as soon as HR mgr logs - in, we can fill - in (really rearrange top) the relevant   droplists.

·        This can be on sourced to same person who will develop various ADMIN screens/ software’s/ displays.

·        We can also accumulate aggregate "Keywords" used by jobseekers during their job searches & calculate   "frequency of usage" & then display those (with high frequency) in their

        "Keyboard" Box

        When they next log in

·        Similarly, when a jobseeker conducts his first - ever (very first) job search, as soon as he logs - in, we can

·        Fill - in his job preferences (Ind/ Font/Desig. Level & city) into the respective job search fields. This is quite easy and our "recommendation - system" starts from his very first job search!