Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday, 14 February 2023












Given in Business India


Addition Info. Need by us for carrying-out different type of analysis



A)      Designation











By must be using a SCREEN to enter the data from various publications


We can try to get every fortnight, a floppy from BI or read this page int an OCCR/Convert to d-base file & then create a database which can be manipulated to give various types of “Analysis” mentioned in my earlier note on this subject



1)      Industry

Can be guessed from name of Company-if given


2)      Function

Can be guessed from Designation itself



B)      (Posting) Location



C)      (Sal.) Salary



D)      (Age/Q/fu.) Age



E)      Qualification



F)       Contact

1)      Company

2)      Placement Agency



G)     Publication & Date












                One person is operating a Computerized bulletin board in Powai area. There are a few more in Bombay and about 50,000 in U. S. A. (Business World).


We, too, should plan on offering such a service to our CANDIDATES – only to those who have registered with us.


In fact this (service) should be held-out as a “bait” to professionals at large to register with us.


The service will consist of a run-down on     Job-opportunities







By us


Directly by Companies

New Projects Coming-up




Such an (Computerized) “analysis” should be

-        Industry-Wise

-        Function-Wise

-        Designation-Wise

-        Location-Wise (City/Region)






Obviously each vacancy/position would have to be

-        Codified (for sorting)

-        Carry a unique number


Idea is not to reveal the identity of the advertise/requester/employer but provide sufficient information to arouse the interest of the candidate (I think Business world or Business India, publishes such “Summary” of the advts appearing in that issue).

We want the candidate to go thru us (Not practical!)

For this reason, we should throw-open this service to just anybody who in interested in a job-change. Once he finds on our Bulletin Board a VACANCY which is ideal from his point of view, he would be tempted to register with us.

We are trying to give him an impression that all these hundreds (or thousands) of jobs are pending with US.

And only it thousands of vacancies are codified, then only each executive




















Trying to “access” our bill-ward, will find one which comes close to his IDEAL.


For that matter, the job need not exist. The position could have been already filled-or if the jobs are advertised by others, we have no means to find out that the position is filled or not.


But the whole idea is to lure the person to register with us.


In fact, if IDEAL (for a given advt.) persons start registering with us, we could, after 2/3 months, write to the advertiser, with a coded, one-live statement, offering our DATABANK of person who meet his “advertised-criteria” in case he did not find one OR whenever he needs one in future. When he find that a lot of SUITABLE persons are available in our databank, next time he is more likely to approach us first before advertising.


                Candidate will have to access us thru a computer/modem/P & T live link.


                We will have to REGULARLY (weekly?) advertise in leading newspapers

















All over the country, how (step-by-step procedure) any candidate can instantly “access” our billboard database to locate his DREAM-JOB.


He could see on his screen a HELP-MENU which asks him questions re: his “interests” – interest as to what kind of a job he is on look-out for. Step-by-step, the software should guide him to the ideal job.


There is a distinct possibility of mis-use. It cannot be totally eliminated but it can be minimised.


As a first step (to minimise misuse), the software will  insists that the executive enters on the screen his

-        Name

-        Address/Phone No. (Residential & office)

-        Designation & Co. working for

-        Phone No. from which trying to access.

Unless he has entered this data, he will not be allowed to proceed with the search.


Of course a person can always fill-in false details-and we can do very little.

















Further, software will not allow a generalized search e-g.


Pl. show me all vacancies in Northern Region


Show me all vacancies at the level of “General Manager”


All vacancies in “Automotive” industry


All vacancies in “Finance Function”.


To minimize misuse, we could also consider following alternative.

-          Executive enters certain details about himself (including his tax no/office address)

-          He enters the type of job (search parameter) that he is looking for

-          Software searches and tells him that we have “X no”


















Of such vacancies pending/listed in our database and the details of which will be mailed to him (at his residential address) as soon as we receive his detailed bio-data.


So, no “revealing” unless we first get his biodata-so we know he is not a “take” trying to take us for a ride.


But if he is already registered with us (with permanent executive NO-PEN assigned by us), then he can see on the screen all the details of the “short-listed” vacancies. The software (Help-menu) shall announce this feature, so that a genuine SEEKER is tempted to register with us so that, thereafter, for ever he can access our bulletin board.


Even here we have to be careful. It is possible that someone/anyone  can key-in a fake PEN (Permanent Executive No – Afterall it is going to be a simple, number having 8 or 9 or 10 digits) and try to

-          Search vacancy-situation

-          Alter/modify “his” biodata on screen.


















                To protect our database, after an executive enters his PEN, the software shall further ask him to enter the SALENT DATA about himself,

                Then the software shall compare it with the data we have in the computer memory, verity its accuracy-and if everything tallies, allow the executive to proceed with further search/query/bio-data updating.


                Preparing-and keeping up-dated a database of vacancies is going to be a major/marathon task. It is just not possible to key-in hundreds of Adots appearing daily in dozens of major, regional/national newspapers/magazines.


                Scanning appears to be the only solution which can cope-up with such volumes.


                But scanning, by itself, is not enough.


                Each Advt. must be “code”, with respect to the SEARCH-PARAMETER including name of the



















Advertising company-wherever known.


Data/Media should also be entered.


Each Advt. must be given a unique no. as well, so that, at any time, a hard-copy can be obtained.


Having scanned and got it into memory, we should be able to MOVE/MANIPULATE the information into a d-base/wordster format such as appearing in next page:

























Advt. No.































Posting Location:



Salary Range:





1.       Company                   -----------------


2.       Industry                     -----------------


3.       Product/Service       -----------------


4.       Function


5.       City/Region


6.       Designation


7.       Salary Range