Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday, 13 January 2023

ARDIS - ARGIS ( Folder for Mr. Nagle)




Ø  www.hnc.com/innovation_05/cortronics_050105


Ø  www.hnc.com/innovation_05/neuralnet_050101 


Ø  www.zdnet.comau/newstech/enterprise/story/0,2000025001, 20262400, 00.htm 


Ø  www.aaai.org/AItopics/html/current.html 


Ø  www.dsslab.com/resources/tectanal.htm


Ø  www.ece.ogi.edu/~strom/research/org.htm 






Dear Hugh



So far I have sent to you following:

-          ARDIS/ARGIS Concept Note

-          Note on

“Basis for a word Recognition Software”

-          Categories of Words ( a note )

-          How to build a knowledge base of (say) 100,000 words falling under 20 categories ( Note)

-          Notes on “Logic for deciphering

·         Address

·         Birth Date

·         Name

Now I enclose herewith a 13 page note on “Logic for deciphering Telephone No.”

By tomorrow I hope to give you notes on Logic for deciphering

-          Company Name / Employer Name

-          Educational Qualification.









Also enclosed two floppy for ISD-STD codes.








LOGIC for Telephone Numbers

A.      Where (in which part of bio-data) do these numbers appear?


-          In great majority of the cases, this number appears in the top-half of the first page of the biodata.


-          Quite frequently it appears below the “Address” block. In such cases, it may or maynot be proceeded by the word. “Tel/Telephone/Phone etc.


-          Occasionally it appears as a continuation of “Address” block i.e. immediately following PIN-CODE No. or the CITY NAME


B.      What “WORDS” describe/indicate/proceed the phone no ?

Software would have to recognise the following:

TELEPHONE / Telephone

TELE / Tele

PHONE / Phone

TEL / Tel / tel

RES. TEL / Res. Tel

Residential Phone / Resi: Phone / Residence Tel.

Residence Phone / Resi-Ph

Cel : Phone

Contact Phone

Contact Tel.


TEL : (off.) / Tel + (Res)

Phone #

Image result for telephone logo

Image result for telephone logo

These could be

-          In CAPITAL letters

-          Lower case

-          Combination of both

-          Abbreviations

The above-mentioned “words” are usually followed by




No. / no :

NO / No / No –

: (most frequent)

. :




. –




·         There is a wide variety in which the numbers themselves appear:


There could be anywhere between


-          ONE NUMBER

to as many as

-          FOUR NUMBERS


·         These numbers could be prefixed/suffixed by words such as

D / R / Res / Resi / O / off / office / Request / Extn / STD / PBX / Cel / Dir / Direct / Board / PP etc. etc.


·         A number of candidates are not in the habit of giving relevant STD code, although quite a few do.




If an STD Code is missing / not mentioned, then we cannot simply assume that it is a Local (Bombay) number !


In such cases, we (Software) would have to consult “STD CODE DIRECTORY” and depending upon the “CITY NAME” ( or PIN CODE) mentioned by the candidate in his address, allot appropriate “STD Code digits” before the telephone number.


·         Even in those cases where STD CODE digits are mentioned it may be worthwhile (safe) to check-out the correctness of these digits from the STD CODE DIRECTORY.


Anatomy of an international phone no. is Somewhat like following.


4 digit                                                   4 digit                                    7 digit



Country Code                               Area or City Code                                 Phone No.


Above does not apply to cell phone no.


In any case the above structure should be verified for its correctness by feeding all country & City Codes into computer.


As far as India is concerned, the structure is as follows:


Srl. No.      1-2         3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10           11-12-13-14-15-16-17


                                Country      Area or city Code                       Phone No.


                               2 digit                   8 digit (Max)                      7 digits


                This may be followed by



                                4 digit


For the moment we shall ignore international phone numbers and concentrate on India phone no’s only.

So the deciphering logic will be somewhat as follows:

(1)    Read the number inclusive of alphabets.

(2)    If the number is prefixed/Suffixed by any alphabets such as

(O) / off / office

( R ) / Res / Resi / Residence / Request / Contact / PP

        D / CD )

Then put it under appropriate block ( field ) as follows:




1)      Residence

2)      Office ( incl. D = Direct.

 B = Board

3)      Contact

and then delet these “alpha” digits from the number before proceeding.

·         If word “EXTN/EXTENSION” appears in the string, treat this entire no. as falling under “Office” and place it accordingly.


Then take the lst digits (which could be two or three or four digits) appearing after the word “EXTN” and place them backward in digit blocks last one in

-          21st block

Then next to the left

-          20th block

Then next to the left in

-          19th block


And So-forth

·         Check the remaining string if digits, pick one at a time starting from the right ( i.e. end digit) and go on placing in


Block No’s


then       16

then      15


till the string is completed OR you Come across,


= a Sign such as /, --, (  ) , ‘   (STD)

-          a gap     etc.

this would signify completion of “Phone No” string.

·         Continue the process with the string of numbers appearing on the Left of the above-mentioned “Signs” by placing them in


Area/City Code =                           Block No’s

Boxes                                    3   4            5     6        7            8          9              10


              from right to left in that order.

              till once again we come across a Sign.

              This will signify

              “End of City/Area Code”.

               To ensure that our interpretation is Correct, at this stage, we could have a “Validation-

                routine”. From the “address” of the candidate, find out his CITY/TOWN,


From “directory” of STD Codes of all the Cities, find out the Corresponding STD Code for that City,

Compare this with what we have just deciphered above to be his City/Area Code.


If these two tallies, we are on the right track.

If not transfer whole string to “Error-listing” for manual correction


Following-points must be noted:

1.       A few candidates also mention Country-Code (91) in their phone no’s

This could be shown as


+91     etc.


2.       Some people enclose City/Area

Code by    (    ) ,

                + (     ),

Quite often City / Area Code is followed by ---. Sometime only blank space is left between City Code & phone no.


3.       Some people give more than one phone no’s. In such cases, the numbers are separated by


,                              /                              OR                         &   


4.       In a few cases, word TELEPHONE is replaced by a Symbol, Such as

Image result for telephone logo

Image result for telephone logo Phone #


5.       A few persons have provided blank spaces within 7 digit phone no. as follows


510     26     95    or      510   2695













There are following alternatives:



Create a MASTER – DIRECTORY of (Say) 20,000 Company-names & store in memory




Anytime one of these names appears in a bio-data being Scanned, then the Computer will recognise it (String of matching words) as a COMPANY NAME.


ALT# 2

Under this alternative, we try to devise a logic.

The logic can be:

What are the most Commonly occurring words which proceed a “COMPANY NAME” ?

If there are no more than 10/15 such

-          Words or

-          Phrases or

-          Sentences

Then it would be easy to identify a COMPANY-NAME as being,

The “String of words” following such words/phrases/sentences.

Let us See.

The words/phrases found are as follows:

1.       Worked with   “ ---------------------------------” as –----------------

Worked as --------------------with-------------------------------------

2.       Presently working with ---------------------as----------------------

Presently working as -----------------------with--------------------

3.       Joined---------------------------------------------------------------------

Joined as --------------------------------------with---------------------

4.       Posted for 2 years working

Assignment at -----------------------------------------------------------

5.       Transferred to --------------------------------------------------------

6.       Working as ------------------------in---------------------------------------

Worked as --------------------in-------------------------------------------

7.       Worked as --------------------with in-------------------------------------

8.       Since -------------------I am working as --------------------------------

For -------------------------------

9.       Nearly ten years in reputed concerns like:-----------------------------

10.   At present I am holding a key-position in ----------------------------

Division of -------------------------------------------------------------------

11.   I am holding a key position in ----------------------------------------

12.   I started as a management trainee with ---------------------------

13.   I started my career as ------------------------------------------------

in -----------------------------

14.   Currently working as ----------------------------------with---------

15.   Working as profit-centre head of -------------------------------

16.   At present with -----------------------------------------------------

At present working with -----------------------------------------

17.   Joined as -------------------in--------------------------------

18.   (Designation)--------------in ---(name of company)-------

19.   Associated with --------------------------------------------------

20.   (--Co. Name) ----as (Designation)----

21.   Since ---------date--- I am working as -----(designation) in ------

22.   From ----date----to----date-----, I was associated with --------------

23.   Was deputed to --------------------as----------------------------

24.   Was a consultant to ----------------------------------------------

25.   Also worked with --------------------------------------------

26.   Work experience at -----------------------------------------

27.   I have worked for more than 10 years in ----------------

28.   I have been working for more than 10 years in --------------


Third alternative?

1.       Names starting with “M/S”

2.       Names ending with

-          LTD.

-          LIMITED


-          PRVT    

-          ( P )       

-          ( P ) LTD

-          PVT LTD

-          ( I ) LTD

-          INDIA LTD

-          ENTERPRISES

-          ( INDIA ) LTD


Fourth alternative

Some candidates are very systematic and provide Company-Name in a structured manner as

a)       In a tabulation where one of the column reads “Employer” / Organisation/Company” etc.

b)      Name of Company:------------------

Duration :-----------------------------



By itself (alone), =none of the above-mentioned alternative, would give a 100% accurate result’.

We may have to use all of these in a combination, perhaps in the following order:

First Logic -----------Alt    #4

                                  Check for structure/Tabulation)

Second Logic -------Alt #2

                                    Check preceeding / succeeding words

Third Logic --------Alt # 3

                               Check for “Tell-tale” Signs

Fourth Logic------Alt#1

                              Compare with “Master-Directory”


I could be wrong and may be the easier/faster method could be to reverse above mentioned order.







                                                                                                                                                HEMEN PAREKH








to eliminated


Biodatas contain a lot of junk. Apart from patently irrelevant information’s, there are some pieces of information’s which are of “no immediate interest” to a client-company (although these could be of some use at a later date if that candidate gets employed with that client.

While Scanning, we must weed-out such USELESS INFORMATION.

What are these?

1.       Marital Status

2.       Hobbies/other interests

3.       Extra-Curricular Activities / Other Activities

4.       References

                   We need to retain this info. In our database in order to Contact these persons for “antecedent”, but we do not wish to give-out this info. To clients in our converted bio-data

5.       Nationality

As of now, this info. Is not relevant as long as our placement service is Confined to

-          Indian Candidates


-          Indian Client-Companies.


                     With our alliance with Foster Partner Global Network, we may, before log, expect to place

-          Indian Executives in Foreign Co’s

-          Overseas Executive in Indian Co’s

At that time, we will need this info. We may even have to introduce this in our EDS (Executive Data Sheet).

So let us keep it, wherever given

6.       Seminars Performed

Seminars Attended

Training Program attended

Other Courses attended

Conferences attended


7.       Under-Graduate level Educational Qualifications




8.       Scholarships


9.       Sports/Sportsmanship


10.   Competitions (participated/won)


11.   Career Objective


Professional Objective


All American bio-datas start with a 2/6 line statement of career objectives.

Indian Executives rarely mention this.


We may have to retain this in view of our desire to “go-global”, also to go on NET.


12.   Under “Edu. Qualifications”

Long list of “topics-Subjects” studied. This is wholly un-necessary.




For a candidate who is already a Ph.D or Who is studying for his PH.D (D.Sc.), the subject of his THESIS/RESEARCH, if mentioned by him, should be faithfully reproduced.


Quite often, this is of considerable interest/relevance to a potential employer.


13.   Place of Birth


14.   Height/Weight/Glasses etc.

Health status/Physical data/Personal Data


15.   Passport No/Visas


16.   Father’s Name

Family Members’ Name


& their addresses / occupation/Education etc.







17.   Position Held at School/Colleges Such as

-          Scout Master

-          Head Boy

-          Master of Ceremony

-          Prefeet

-          Treasurer               

-          Secretary      (Students’ Union or Housing Society)

-          Chairman


18.   Dramatics/Public Speaking


19.   Religions affiliations


20.   Social affiliations

(Rotary club / Lions Club etc.)

21.   Copies of

-          Appointment Letters

-          Salary Certificates

-          Service Certificates


22.   Post applied for


















1.       Projects & Summer Training undertaken as part of college curriculum.

2.       Foreign Visits/Foreign Training

3.       Foreign Employments

4.       Professional Qualifications

e.g.  various “diplomas/certificates” awarded by Professional Bodies (e.g. CSI)

        5. Educational / Professional qualifications 

             e.g.   Various diplomas/certificates/degrees awarded by TRAINING INSTITUTIONS Such as             


6.       Degrees / Diplomas/Certificates awarded by hundreds of Computer Classes.

7.       Present & Expected Salary

8.       Languages Known

Other than Indian languages? or, all?

9.       Sex/Gender


























1.       In the phrase, one of the following words appears:

-          School/High School

-          College

-          Institute

-          Institution

-          Board

-          University

-          Department (of) -------------------Studies

-          Centre

-          Council


2.       These words may appear

-          In the beginning

-          In the middle

-          In the end

                Of a string of words.

3.       The phrase may be proceeded/followed by

-          Name of a City

-          Name of a State

-          India/Indian

4.       In the phrase it is also common to find following words

-          Engineering / Engineers

-          Management

-          Education

-          Science

-          Technology

-          Primary

-          Secondary

-          Finance

-          Accounts (Cost/Works)

-          Statistic

-          Productivity

-          Study / Studies

-          International

This logic may not be comprehensive but good enough to design “Alpha” version of intelligent software. We could add/improve as we go along.



-          Regional Engineering College – Bhopal

-          Bombay University

-          Tata Unisys Ltd. Education Centre

-          D.G. Ruparel College – Dadar

-          The Institute of Science – Mumbai

-          Chetna’s R.K. Institute of Management & Research

-          I.I.T. Powai

-          Karnataka Secondary Education Exam Board

-          PUC Board Bangalore

-          Karnataka University Dharwad

-          Pune University/Poona University

-          S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research

-          Madurai Kamraj University, Tamilnadu

-          Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

-          I.I.E.M., Bangalore

-          Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies

-          T.K.I.E.T. (Kolhapur) – Shivaji University

-          G.N. Khalsa College

-          Sharon English High School

-          Bangalore University

-          Indian Statistical Institute

-          Coimbatore Institute of Technology,

-          Madras University

-          Jadhavpur University

-          Osmania University

-          Collage of Engineering, Guindy, Madras

-          Voorhees College, Vellore

-          Voorhees Highschool, Vellore

-          I.I.M. (A) / IIMA

-          Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad)

-          G.B. Pant University, Pantnagar

-          Institute of Engineers

-          Board of Secondary Education, A.P.

-          Board of Intermediate Education, A.P.

-          A.P. Productivity Council

-          University of Hyderabad

-          Tata Management Training Centre, Pune

-          Dept. of Mgmt. Studies, University of Madras

-          Calcutta University

-          Institute of Cost & Works Accounts

-          Management Promotion Council, New Delhi

-          Delhi College of Engineering

-          International Management Institute, New Delhi

-          National Institute of Training in Industrial Engineering

-          University Dept. of Chemical Technology













































Dear Hugh:




From the view-point of interpretation (by on intelligent Software), the most difficult portion of a biodata are the paragraphs containing/describing



For the moment, all I have found out is that

-          There are 29 WAYS (Headings) to describe experience (ANNEX A)

-          There are 16 SUB-TOPICS (KEY-WORD) appearing under “Experience”,

                                                                                                           (ANNEX B)

29 WAYS, all mean the same thing- so not much of a problem there.


There can be hundreds of words under each of the 16 SUB-TOPICS. Each of these word,

-          Need to be deciphered, then

-          Put under appropriate sub-topic

This means, I have to create


Falling under each of 16 Sub-topic.

This is a marathon work but must be done.

This may be the reason why RESUMIX SOFTWARE has a KNOWLEDGE-BASE of 80,000 words !

I hope I can do this in next 10 days, While you are converting LOGIC into Software for

-          Name

-          Birth Date

-          Adress

-          Telephone No.

-          Edu. Qualifications

-          Edu. Institutions

-          Grammar etc.

For which notes are Sent/enclosed




EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                       (ANNEX A)


Commonly “preceeding” or “Heading” words:

1.       Details of Experience/Experience details

2.       Currently at

3.       Experience / Professional Experience

4.       At Present

5.       Working Experience / Work Experience

6.       Present Employer/Present Employment/ Employer

7.       Past Employers/ Past Employment

8.       Employments / Employments at

9.       Details of Present & Past Employment / Details of Employment

10.   Employment & Experience

11.   Employing Firm

12.   Self-Profile / Experience Profile

13.   Responsibilities Handled

14.   Position held / Current Position held

15.   Name of Organisation

16.   Company

17.   Career History/Employment Record

18.   Employment History/Employment Record

19.   Nature of Experience

20.   Field of Experience

21.   Details of Job-Experience/Job Experience

22.   Work Experience Details/ Experience Details

23.   Details about the present job

24.   Work Profile/Career Profile

25.   Post Qualification Industrial Experience/Industrial Experience

26.   Professional Experience & Achievements

27.   Prasent Assignment

28.   Total Experience

29.   Experience Summary









(A)               EXPERIENCE


Commonly found “PREFIXES”

-          Details of (Job)

-          Professional

-          Work

-          Working

-          Nature oof

-          Field of

-          Job

-          Industrial

-          Total


Commonly found “SUFFIXES”

-          Details

-          Profile

-          Summary


(B)               EMPLOYMENT – EMPLOYER

Commonly found “PREFIXES”

-          Present

-          Past

-          Details of


Commonly found “SUFFIXES”

-          History

-          Record

-          Experience


(C)                   JOB


-          Present

-          Details of


-          Experience


(D)           PROFILE

Commonly found “PREFIXES”

-          Self

-          Experience

-          Work

-          Career

-          Job



(E)          POSITION


-          Current



-          Held



(F)            ASSIGNMENT


-          Present

-          Past


(G)            OTHER WORDS

-          Currently at

-          At present

-          Employing Firm

-          Responsibilities Handled

-          Name of Organisation

-          Company


(H)            CAREER



-          History

-          Profile

-          Progression









(or other “Headings” with same meaning)


1.       Description of companies, name of Companies / Company Profile

2.       Position/Designation      held/holding

3.       Periods / Durations         Worked/Working

4.       Duties / Responsibilities / Work

5.       Products/Services/Projects

6.       Functions

7.       Department/Divisions/Group

8.       Location/Regions/Cities/Territories

9.       Reporting to / How many people reported

10.   Achievements/Contributions/Awards

11.   Training

12.   Skills-Knowledge

13.   Attitudes-Attributes

14.   Extra-Curricular Activities

Co -                     

15.   Organisation Chart

16.   Career Objectives















Dear Hugh:







I have already handed over to you a computer print-out, covering


-          Education Qualification Codes

-          Industry Codes

-          Function Codes

As I mentioned to you, 6 years back when we started, we had a large no. of codes for each of the above.

Then we discovered that the operators were making error while doing data-entry.

So we condensed /reduced the numbers to manageable limits a few dozens of each.



Mr. Nagle, devised internal equivalence’, wherely, no matter “how” on operator entered an educational qualification, computer “read” it correctly thru “comparison”.


B.E. (M)

B.E. (Mech)

B.E. (Mech. Eng)

B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)

Bachelor of Engineering – Mechanical

                                          - Mech


Or even

b.e. (m)

b e (m)

B e (M)

B. e. (Mech)

b. E. (m)

b. E. (Mech)

                                                et. Etc.


All probable ways in which a person may have written, the operator entered in the same way ( so he did not have to pause to interpret the correct meaning). There was no loss of time, nor any chance of “wrong” interpretation by the operator.

In all cases, the computer read it as

B.E. (Mech. Eng.) or whatever.

This (internal equivalence) also meant that no matter how you typed

Edu. Qualification ----

While shooting a “Search Query”, the computer understood the “Correct way” and covered all Candidates who met that criteria.

But now,

If we plan ( as we are doing) to eliminate manual data-entry altogether


only resort to “Scanning” all bio-datas


We are back to the situation where we will come-across dozens of “Ways”/manner of writing/typing any given EDU. QUALIFICATION.

Software should be

-          Able to “read” all combinations

-          Treat as ONE (CURRECT) WAY

-          Store in Correct field.

With the help of enclosed pages on

-          Educational Qualifications

-          Most commonly occurring words in an Educational Qualification,

We should be able to develop suitable software.

After scanning a few thousand bio-datas, the Software should be able to list


There will be dozens of Such “LISTS”.


Then we can ask an EXPERT (an Educationist) to study these lists and Verify/Validate, to create


Each containing all probable combinations for each Qualification.

Once these MASTER-LISTS are fed into the computer,


We have licked the problem !


























Most Commonly Occurring Words

In an

Educational Qualification


-          Primary

-          Secondary                           S

-          Higher Secondary            HS

-          Pre-University                   PU




-          Graduate / Post Graduate            (GR)

-          Certificate                                           (C)

-          Diploma                                               (D)

-          Bachelor                                              (B)

-          Master                                                 (M)

-          Doctor                                                  (Ph. or D)




-          Arts                        (A)

-          Science                 (Sc)

-          Commerce          (Com)

-          Physics

-          Chemistry

-          Mathematics

-          Engineering        (E - Eng)

-          Marketing           (M – Mktg)

-          Technology         ( Tech )

-          Management    (M)

-          Systems

-          Business              (B.)

-          Administration  A

-          Associate

-          Accounts

-          Export

-          Chemical / Chem

-          Electrical / Elect / Elec / Ele

-          Mechanical / Mech / M

-          Electronics / Electro

-          Telecommunication

-          Metallurgy / Met

-          Member

-          Institution

-          Plant

-          Maintenance

-          Project

-          Agriculture          (Agri / Ag)

-          Civil                     (C)

-          Costing

-          Intermediate

-          Final

-          Finance                (F)



























B.Com / B.Com.(Hons) / M.Com.

B.E. (Electrical) / B.E. (Elect)


B.S.c. (chemistry)  B.Sc. (Physics)

M.Sc. ( organic Chemistry)

M.M.S. (Marketing)

B.Tech (Chem) / B.E. (chem. Eng.) / M.Tech

B.E. (Mech)

PGDMM (Post Graduate Diploma in Material Management)

Ph.D (Organic Chemistry)

Diploma in system Management



Bachelor of Science

M.B.A. / Master of Business Administration

A.C.A. / C.A.

Diploma in Export Management

Diploma in Securities Analysis & Portfolio Decisions

M.M.M. (Masters in Marketing Management)

B.E. (Chemical Engineering)

Diploma in Financial Management

B.E. (Electronics & Communication)

M.Sc. (Eng)

B.Sc. (Agriculture & AH)

Bachelor of Engineering (Mech)

Fellow (Institute of Engineers)

Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgy)

AMIE (I) Section A&B

P.G. Diploma in Plant Engineering & Maint. Management

P.G. Diploma in Planning & Project Management

Bachelor of Civil Engineering

I.C.W.A. (Inter)

I.C.W.A. (Final)

PGDFM (Post graduate Diploma in Financial Mgmt.)

B.E. (Electrical & Electronics)

MBA (Finace)

Diploma in Industrial Engineering              (DIE)

Diploma in Chemical Engineering              (D Ch.E)

Diploma in Civil Engineering                        (DCE)

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering         (DME)

M.C.A. (Master of Computer Application)

Diploma in Computer Science

MPM (Master in Personnel Management)

Diploma in Financial Mgmt.                         (DFM)

MFM (Master in Financial Mgmt.)

L.LB. (Bachelor of Law)

MLW (Master of Labour welfare)

CS (Co. Secretory)

DBM (Diploma in Busi. Mgmt.)

DIRPM ( Diploma in Ind. Rel. & Pers. Mgmt.)