Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday, 17 January 2003


17 Jan 2003


       1. Amount paid/ Balance to the credit

2. Each type of "transactions" carried out (eg. "Convert"/ "Search" etc)

       - Daily/ weekly/ Monthly/ Yearly

       by any given subscriber
       3. Ditto - by ALL subscribers put together

        4. Transaction - Break up

 Not. of Resumes "Converted"

·     Industry wise

·     Function wise
·     Designation wise

·     City wise
·     Age wise

·     Edu. wise

·     Salary wise etc.

In nutshell, we should capture all info/ data about each & every "transaction/ resume" - except for Name & contact info. of the candidate. Such "Aggregated" data about ALL the resumes converted /extracted by any subscriber, can be plugged - back into the respective subscriber's "SEARCH" interface, enabling him to know precisely, at any point of time,. "WHAT IS THE BREAK - UP OF MY RESUME DATABASE?

5. The "data/ info" mentioned in (4) above should be "aggregated" for ALL subscribers on a continuous basis, for  viewing by 3P only.

6. On our web - server, we should aggregate all "searches" every carried out by a given subscriber. This (statistical analysis) will tell us.

       - Who (which corporate), is on look - out


       - Whom (what kind of executive)

In essence we compile a comprehensive "searching History" (searching profile) of each & every subscriber of our  webserice. This (Statistics) is our MARKET RESEARCH. It will enable us to conduct PRO - ACTIVE MARKETING (of our won resumes / candidates) which sharply focused on each subscriber’s UNIQUE manpower needs. This is PIN - POINT marketing / Targeted marketing!

·     After a period of 2 years (by which time, a subscriber is so deeply "hooked" to our webservice, that he simply  cannot live without it), our webserver, will start "OFFERING", Candidates from our own Resume Database, every time, a Subscriber conducts a "Search" transaction.

7. A subscriber should (must?) see in a window, how many of his own managers are concurrently logged onto our webserivce. Can be, possible, see (in same window) "who" are these co - managers? In big companies, central HR dept. may like to keep track of this aspect.

If central HR dept. has given out log in/ Password to 5 "user" dept. managers, central HR dept. may also want to know, which dept (mgr) has used which webservice (convert/ search) & when & How much? - a kind of "Log".

Central HR  dept. would certainly like to know.

- Who is "converting" "How many" resumes & for what positions & why (i.e. to fill, what vacancies?).

Central HR dept. may even want a built - in SECURITY feature whereby, no dept. manager can conduct a search/ tabulate the "short - listed" candidates & simply e - mail it to someone outside the organization ! Data leakage !!

8. We will enter "Cheque payment" details in the server thru an ADMIN TOOL, in the "A/C No" of concerned subscriber & an auto email should go out to concerned subscriber re: his "A/c status". Of course, he too, should be able to "ACCESS" his own consolidated Payment History" & "Balance to Credit" at anytime, directly, on his own.

An auto email should also go out when a "balance left" in a subscriber's account reaches a certain minimum level.

3P Admin should also be able to see, at any time, a subscriber's "status"

What happens if we "raise" our tariff for any particular webservice?
Or even lower it? Lowering may not be a problem but "raising" will create one hello a problem!

I suppose, simple & moral rule to follow is that the "new, upward revised prices" will apply only after current balance in supplier's a/e gets exhausted.

       # 9

At any time, we at 3P should be able to check - out / find/ view instantly

·     How many subscribers do we have at this moment?  (If this becomes a respectable figure, we might, even want  ALL interested/ potential customers to be able to see this figure! we would even want such potential customers to even see the "Names" of all of our subscribers! A good / strong "Reference - List" is always our best selling point!

·     How much total "balance" is lying to all subscribers’ credit? (Tells us approx amount of "Service" remaining to be delivered)

·     How much "Subscription payment" received

·     Any particular day/ month/ quarter/ year

·     Graphical (Line graph for cumulative)

·     % Increases of

·     Subscriptions  &

·     Transactions

[day - by - day/ month - on - month/ Q - on - Q/ year - on - year]

·     Who is our "best / biggest" Client?

·     Who is our "Least/Smallest" Client?

(Ascending / Descending order analysis of

·     Payments of Amounts

·     No. of Transactions (per month/Q/Year)

·     Which 20% of our clients give us 80% of business (in no. of transactions - should suffice) ?

·     First time "CLIENT REGISTRATION FORM" should capture enough data about a client in terms of

·     Size (Turnover/ Current Employee Strength)

·     No. of factory locations (Names of Cities)

·     No. of office locations (Names of Cities)

·     Products / Services

·     Industry - Names (Drop down) etc.

·     Average Employee Turnover

       - Unionized category

       - Sup. & above.

We should give an "Exclusive Page" to each & every subscriber of our webservice, so that, whatever resumes arrive from our partner cybercafés (under project LOCK - IN), could be deposited in the exclusive EMAIL BOX of each subscriber.

·     Now, if we continuously, keep advising (thru auto email) each subscriber (every week?) that

·     You have so many email resumes lying in your exclusive email box. Would you not like to convert these into a structured database (- and thereby make these "Searchable"_, using - our


·     This could very well become a "self - fulfilling prophesy" !

·     Our server makes money from partner cybercafes (for resume blasting) i the first place & then in second place, we make more money (from our webservice) by converting these resume !