Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Saturday, 29 November 1997


Yogesh/ cyril
·     Texts
    (A) Printed / Typed Documents

    (B) Electronic Documents

    Examples of Texts

(A)  Printed Documents
·     Bio - datas (Typed)
·     Job - Advts
·     Magazine / Newspaper Articles
·     Directories (Kothari /IRIS etc)
·     Directories (CA/ CS Membership)
·     Bullletins (Bapuji Impex/ Domex)
    (B) Electronic Documents
·     Databases
·     Bio - datas received over Internet / Extranet
·     E : mails
·     Files on Floppies
·     Files on CDs
·     Files on Hard - Disks
·     Files on Tapes
·     Voice / Speech Converted to text (thru speed - recognition software)

·     Scanning of document (in a "scanner", if Printed/ typed document)
·     Electronic Scanning (if in electronic - file format)
·     OCR (for printed / typed document)
·     Spell - check / Automatic Spelling Correction
·     Search / Identify/ Pick - up "KEYWORDS" from each document / file
·     Give each document a unique "number" (this will be PEN for resume's / Advertisement Nos. etc)
·     Link key - words with document
·     Assign "meaning" to each keyword (based on context)
·     Store each keyword in relevant "Meaning - lines / Fields" to create a database”
·     For each keyword, create directory of "Synonyms & Autonyms"
·     Create a continuously up - date "tables" re : frequency - of - usage of each keyword
·     Create and continuously up - date "tables" re : frequency - of - usage of all words (not only keywords) used "before  & after" each keyword to create "CONTEXT PROBABILITY for each keyword.
·     Repeat above process for all the "Phrases" and "Sentences" in which a given KEYWORD has been used to establish "CONTEXT PROBABILITY" of phrase/ Sentences.
·     If a Keyword has been used in phrase / sentence having a very low "context Probability" then replaces that phrase/ sentence by a phrase / sentence of the highest "Context Probability".
·     Databases of
·     Keywords
·     Synonyms
·     Antonyms
·     Bins/ Fields
·     Phrases / Sentences
·     "Frequency of Usage" tables
·     Converted Bio - datas (Full)
·     Brief bio - datas (brief outline)
·     One - line tabulations
·     Standard Letters/ Responses
·     Short - lists of suitable executives.
