Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Saturday, 8 November 1997


What salaries executives get?
(Taken from Annual Reports)
Once we build up a large database (say 100,000 executives/ 1000 companies), several interesting
(1) Scattergram
Each as "salary" data is being added daily/ continuously, it should be possible to plot Salary Vs. Age  On the fly (On Internet or Extranet). Thereafter a facility can be provided (to a surfer) to go along x axis and click on.
any desired "Age" value.
(of course the scattergram and the line of best fit are already visible to him on the screen).
As soon as he clicks on "Age = 35" the scattergram disappears.
 over a period of few years, with accumulation of salary - data of thousands of executives, year after year, it would be possible to carry - out (and display on screen) many types of
Such "trend - analysis" could be repeated for
    . Any given "Age"
    . Any given "Edu. Qualification"
    . Any given "Function"
    . Any given "Industry"
    . Any given "Designation - Level"
    . Any given "Company"
Also, we have  to show
    . Salary Vs. Edu. Qualification
    . Salary Vs. Function
    . Salary Vs. Industry
    . Salary Vs. Designation Leave  etc. etc.
Any number of executives (especially personnel Manager) would want to analyse,  "Salaries of Executives of a Given Company"  Such a "given Company" could be a competitor     
The Industry - Leader (so that you can bench - mark)
e.g. Videocon International (Ltd. Might wish to Analyse salary details/ distribution of
       . BPL
       . Godreg GE
       . Amtrex
       . Voltas
       . Philips  etc
Personnel Manager of Videocon Might like to shoot a query on our database as follows :
Pl. show me. salary details of Companies.
A  Minimum of 3 companies must be mentioned.
a.  All executive
b.  Executives belonging to function
c.  Executives with “designation- Level” of CMD/ MD/V.P etc.
d.  Executives in the age-group of 25-29/ 30-34/ 35-39/40-44 etc.
The result be displayed as a TABULATION or A GRAPH ( without revealing the actual names of the executives)
