Some 1400 + names/ addresses have already been
entered. When KOTHARI DIRECTORY - 1996 arrives, we may be able to enter some
What we are entering at present:
. Name of
1 or 2 executives (chairman MD, CEO etc)
. Their
. Name of
. Address
& Company
. Phone
To the above - mentioned SCREEN, we need to add
following "Screens"
A - Industry Category (In which industry does this
company fall? belong to?
B - Products (or Services) manufactured/ marketed.
C - Plant location addresses.
D - Ownerships graph
eg. Companies belonging to
. Khaitan
. SK Birla
. Hinduja
. B.K. Mody
. L & T
Group etc. etc.
E - Sales Turnover (Rs. Crore) for latest completed
financial year.
F - Overseas "technical" collaborators
(Name of Company & Country & For which product)
G - Financial Joint - ventures with overseas
H - Data on employees working there could be some
more "fields" that may need adding in years to come - which I cannot
think - up today. So, in any case, the program/ software has to be flexible.
Enough so that we can go on adding extra
information about each company as & when
. Felt
. Available
from some source (to be discovered as we go along).
All of these may take several years but a beginning
has been already made.
Of course, if at any point of time, we could get
all of these data.
Readymade on floppy
. At a
reasonable cost.
Even today, this type of data is available ON -
LINE by linking our computer to the CMIE computer under CIMM (Company
Information on Magnetic Media).But it costs Rs. 1 lakh/ year ! Till such time
it becomes cheaper, we have to build - up & use our own database.
I would like you to start with item A (listed
above) i.e. Industry Category.
For each of the 1400 companies whose basic details
we have already entered, I would like you to
enter the "appropriate" industry category
against each.
Where will you find, which company belongs to which
industry category?
You will find this on page 60 to 102 of enclosed
magazine (the white letters in black strips). Pl. start.