Millions of Jobseekers currently "Wast
billions of manhours on various job sites, searching for "Suitable/
Matching" jobs - jobs which match their own skills / expertise /
experience education.
Jobseeks try to narrow - down their serches by
applying a no. of "Search criteria". Even then, most searches end -
up in hundreds of search - results requiring many hours to open/ rea each job -
advt to find out which ones are "Really" suitable/ matchin.
This happens due to:-
. Large
job - advt. database on website
. Match
- making algorithm, takes into account only the "search - parameters
selected by that candidate
. No
attempt (no possibility) to match that candidates "RESUME" (skill
keywords) with "Job Advt" (Skill Keywords).
When a candidate opens/ reads any job advt, he is,
sub - consciously doing this matching. He knows this own skills. His own skill - related keywords
are already "stored" in his memory when he read a job - advt, his
brain is picking - up the keywords contained
in the job - advt and match compare these (keywords) with his own
"Skill keywords".
If he finds many "matches",his brain
tells him that this is a GOOD / MATCHING / RELEVANT job advt and worth "applying" for.
If he finds very few "matches" then it is
a POOR match & not worth considering.
It is this "keywords" match making
process that takes a big time since the brian must "read and
compare". This process is made
"works if there are hundreds of job - advt to be "read and
matched".After reading/ matching a few, brain gets tired - even slackens.
Match - making process deteriorates. Quality of decisions suffer.
the "relevance" (Match Index) established
by the tool.
Enable candidate to "Apply online"
against any GOOD / MATCHING job advt (shown in TABULATION) - even if on that particular job. portal.
To do this, our TOOL will need to be "pre -
loaded" with the candidate's full text resume, once and for all (of course, he can EDIT anytime).
But the idea is that the RESUME WILL
"reside" inside the TOOL and can be carried from one job - portal to
another job portal. A candidate need
not submit his resume to dozens of job - portals !
Candidates will simply LOVE such a feature !
Candidate will be required to "preload"
the MATCH MAKER with this text resume first, in order to connect to IndiaRecruiter - so that the TOOL can be
"Activated". The MatchMaker itself can be downloaded from any no.
of website like Download.com
No need to assign User ID/ Password but this data
(stored on our server will help us to find out, "how many of those jobseekers who downloaded
Matchmaker, came back to properly submit Resume on our website ?"
Unless duly/ properly "activated", tool
cannot be used.
Tool will work on feature similar to MYRIAD -
however MYRIAD's negative point is selection of
Link Last
Which is combersome ! It would be nice if we can,
somehow, improve upon this feature.
Either, all job - advt. Links get pickes up
automatically OR may be Cut / Paste.
Job Advts which do NOT contain advertiser's email
ID will be ignored rejected.
Without advertiser's email ID our TOOL cannot
forward the candidate's resume.
Point for Discussion:-
When a candidate clicks "Apply" he is
ONLINE (may be on any job portal)
That might enable us to pick - up store in a
All the job - advts which a Candidate ever applied
for, chronologically
[Database of Intentions = Job Apply History]
Trend analysis will tell us what kind of jobs, he
is looking for !
This may be better than "harvesing"
millons of job - advts!
Hemen Parekh