Shalaka, Alex
Displaying "Matching" job - advts the
moment a candidate completes each STAGE of Registration (-so as to encourage him to APPPLY ONLINE - and, thereby
"Market" our website amongst corporate)
Sending - out "Job Alert E - mails" to
him every day, when "matching" job - advts get downloaded (thru RSS
Re - arranging "Job Search Criteria"
(-when he arrives on Job search Page after login) - based on
. What criteria
he had "used" in past
. What
advt. he had "viewed" in past
. What
advt. he had "Applied" in past
(A "Recommendations System" based on
Click - stream analysis of his past behavior)
Someday (soon) JAM /"Apply Online" from
mobile Implementing the above - mentioned features is a pre - requisite for generating a "Buzz" amongst jobseekers
and getting traffic.
This would require capturing every click that he
makes on our website. Only then can we compile his "database of intentions" This is better than providing a
structured FORM called "MY JOB PREFERENCES".
Because "PREFERENCES" keep changing over
time. These are dynamic - not static. As a person gets older/ rises in his career, his needs change. We must track these,
interpret these (eg " (1) overall frequency of usage of a particular criteria
(2) Last one month's frequency of usage, etc).
We should give "Weight ages" as follows.
. Overall
frequency - 0.5 (50% weight age)
. Last
month's frequency - 0.5 (50 % Weight age)
For each candidate, we have to create 3 "click
stream Analysis" tables, as follows.
Table NO. 1
("Search Criteria" used Table)
Here we capture & store the frequency of usage/
selection of "Job Search Criteria" As shown in column 1 of Annex : A
Table No. 2 (What job Advts. did he open/ view?)
This is shown in column "2 of ANNEX A.
Obviously, he is not going to "open/
view" each & every job - advt that gets listed in search Table/ Search
Results. Based on the data that gets displayed in search - results,
he gets some more information about each listed job-advts. This table tells him something more about each
So, out of these, a few advts. will
"interest" him (i.e. those which SEEM to match his NEEDS"). He
will click open these few to take a closer look to confirm that
these DO really MATCH his needs.
So, at this (clicking) level, we get (capture) a
deeper insight into his interests.
. Which
"Companies" Advt. he click - opens
Much more frequently?
. Which
"cities" top in his search ?
. What
"Job Titles" attract his attention ?
etc. etc.
Table No. 3 (Finally, which Job Advt. did he apply
Although he may open 100 job advts. (over a period
of time), he may actually apply against only 6 of these What made him choose/ select only these 6, out of
Obviously, when he "opened/ viewed" those
100, he found some "Additional Info" which were missing from the
search result tabulation.
This "Additional Info" is shown in column
of ANNEX : A.
What he "found" in
. Job
. Desired
rang a bell !
"Ah, here is my dream job !"
His mental computer quickly "indexed" all
the keywords found in these 3 fields and (most likely) "Matched"
these keywords, with the keywords he had listed in his own
If he found a good "Match" between the
TOW SETS of keywords, then that was his DREAM JOB.
Match Index = Raw Scored Of Resume / Raw Scores Of
Job Advt.
The higher the index, the better the Match. But we
know that
Candidates do not UPDATE their resumes at regular
interval, to incorporate keywords pertaining to their RECENTLY ACQUIRED SKILLS. Resumes are obsolete !
Recruiters are LAZY / INCOMPENTENT and Just do not
bother to incorporate the relevant keywords in the fields for
. Job Description
. Desired
Hence, to begin with, we will not bother to compute
We will simple INDEX the words (all the words)
Contained in each & every Job . advts. that this candidate
"Applies" And add - up. And, rearrange these WORDS (not
keywords i) in the DESCENDING Order’s, we will know, which WORDS are MOST FREQUENTLY found in all the jobadvts against
which this candidate applied.
There is some "Co-relation" between these
most frequently used words and the candidate's interest in those jobs (advts) which contain these words.
So, when we download (RSS feed) any Job - advt, we
INDEX its WORDS. Here there is no "frequency" - Since most words are likely to have been used ONLY ONCE in any given
(one) advt_although there can be exceptions. Then we compare as follows. If we find that any downloaded job. Advt.
contains ANY of these 3 words, then we can assume that it may be of "Interest" to this candidate !
At this stage, I suggest that we do not worry about
HOW exactly we will use these 3 Tables to recommended to a candidate some "Matching / Interesting"
At this stage, let us simply focus on
Capturing a candidate's CLICKS
. Storing
these CLICKS into 3 Tables
Arranging Cumulative totals of CLICKS into descending order.
These 3 Table are the FOUNDATIONS of our
Once we lay a strong foundation (by capturing &
storing the clicks into 3 tables) then we will figure - out the next step.